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A member registered Sep 19, 2021

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(1 edit)

Yo I need help, I'm going insane, I already tried this a million times so I need clarification

Trying to install the new mod it says 1.1 and bugfix says is for 1.d0 I got the new strive from the most recent download put every file in their place open Strive 2 go to mods, and there is 0 mods there, weird checked the folders they were the correct ones, used the editor to create a mod and then just placed the files in there, still nothing... I now assume that made this isn't for 1.0d? So I tried installing the mod on the 5.25 (or whatever the number is) everything goes ape shit, I have no idea wtf I am supposed to do, Strive 2 doesn't read the mod files Strive one crashed hard as soon as I try the bugfix is there some version that I'm not aware of? 

I see some print from Strive 1 and then some people talking about 1.0d so... help??

Edit: So yeah I'm dumb, not deleting this because in case there's an idiot like me THERE IS A VERSION 1.0D not the sequel... I thought it stopped updating versions after the sequel demo was announced turns out I was just not seeing it and have been suing AricsExpansion on an old version so Ignore my comment I still haven't checked if I'll have any errors but I'm going to assume this was the problem.
If I don't update this it's cause it worked out

Ty for the speedy reply I didn't really expect Chastity to work because it seems complex, but about the Pubic Style, I know it changed the GUI but it shouldn't be much right? You could make a button similar to tattoos and Piercings and it could work, I'm just making the argument at this point not telling you to do it, as I said I haven't tried to mod this game yet so I have no idea how complicated it is

I should say I'm using the preInstalled version, there also seems to be some bug that happens when I spam "Next Day" with a girl pregnant

Hello, I would like to ask the modder and to everyone else is it just for me that the girls never stop lactating? No matter how many days pass it never ends,  I tried to milk them to use leak they never stop lactating, not sure what to do, I already reinstalled once should I do again is it suppose to not stop? I haven't really messed with code in this game I used to mod a few games like these but I kinda don't wanna mess with full game code that could break everything. 

Also, I would like to ask the modder if he can add the Pubic Style Customization and Chastity Belt items, the pubic style is probably the easiest since it's just text ( I tried to use it with Arics Mod but it just showed the old textBox) and doesn't actually do anything the Chastity Mod I don't know if it even works with Aric and I haven't tried to not mess it up