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A member registered Oct 07, 2021 · View creator page →

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Really fun demo! I loved having to frantically reload all my guns while trying to dodge all the bullets, and the mechanics around the healing bottles are really cool!

I did find one major glitch when trying to enter a building in the town, instead of going somewhere else, the level just reloaded and sent me back to the town's entrance. Also one of the sneaking sprites (I think it was up-right) had some extra pixels floating above the character at one point, but other than that everything else was really good!


The design for the mouth monster in the maze was pretty cool, and the puzzles were neat.

Hey I had a bug where if I looked at the family photo file straight away I could not return to the menu and had to restart.

I loved the sound design on this one, those background noises were very chilling!

Yes, I changed my setup to 60Hz and it worked fine. Really fun game though!

Cool idea with changing mass! My  high score was 50 after a couple of attempts.

I might just be missing something obvious, but how do you jump higher? I fell down when trying to reach the start sign and got stuck.

Super cute concept though! I love the colour scheme.