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A member registered May 21, 2019

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(1 edit)

sure, man. the designer was thoughtful  enough to leave several ways to easily find the save file folder. 

when you are playing just hit [esc] > [save/load]> [open folder]

then, if you havent already done so, save your game as "TEST" or whatever

there are several ways to open the file, I tend to just click on it then select plain old notepad to open the file.

I would say a fun way to start is CRTL-F, and search for the amount of gold you have. it is probably a unique number.

feel free to change it. now, within notepad, select "save as", hopefully it automatically directs you back to the folder w the saves.

the window will be unpopulated, so switch from "text files" to "all files". make sure your format is set to utf-8

click on your TEST sav file. it might overwrite it with a single click or you might have to click save.

close your Notepad  window (we can always open it again later)

go back to Strive4powa, go ESC >load> TEST

if successful you will see that the amount of gold is what you typed directly into the save. if you so much as added a space or broke the syntax flow in any way you will get an empty load where everything is gone OR an error message OR some other unwanted result.

if so, no worries. delete the TEST sav file and try again.

right now I am working on adding custom items/icons to the game by the save file alone.

want to see some advanced "code"? (below)

as you will see, I made two mistakes. I added speed boost twice AND one of the bags was owned by one of my party instead of waiting in the inventory. the system forgave me. it stacked the speed boosts and left the bag where it was. however, the character was NOT getting a bonus AND when I removed the bag I triggered the games onequip rules. in removing the bag I triggered negative stats to be 'added' to her stat mods. I chose to go back in and manually remove the negatives stats from the save file. and make some other fixes as well. just remember everytime you change something it is a learning experience that makes you stronger and smarter. good luck!

great partner of any experienced adventurer. Despite minor wear, it
looks really sturdy. \nIncreases party's total carry weight by 20.
Stress per
great partner of any experienced adventurer. Despite minor wear, it
looks really sturdy. \nIncreases party's total carry weight by 20.
Stress per
great partner of any experienced adventurer. Despite minor wear, it
looks really sturdy. \nIncreases party's total carry weight by 20.
Stress per
(3 edits)

hey gang, not a big deal and I dont believe it is a bug, but I have no opportunity to use "Mark", "Tentacles" or some other spells even though they are in my spellbook. I do have portals to all the worlds so maybe "Mark" would be redundant? I thought it would be funny to use tentacles in battle or maybe under the discipline tab at home but it does not appear like "Fear" does. Has anyone used these spells, especially in sandbox mode? thanks, and have a great night of gaming!

edit: ofc now that I ask in public I see the [cast spell] option available when working on characters at the mansion."invigorate" is another example. it reads 'can (also) be used in wild'. ... really? how?

edit2: well. embarrassing. I found "invigorate" and "mark". under the B menu available between battles in the wild

AND things like "mutation" and "tentacles" live at the mansion under 'character > cast spell'

I mean, this is my sort of thing and these .sav files are fairly forgiving and fun to rewrite.

... but you have to be able to read the data in the first place. it took me about eight hours to understand the format completely. 

even now the game thinks that every female relation is "my sister" 

anyway, you can just open save files in notepad. when you "save as", set to "any file type" and utf-8 format.

some easy changes are to give yourself more gold and other resources. I mostly used it to make all the women tall and to give my character a mother.

have fun, I am happy to share my knowledge if there are specific questions.

are you sure nothing is happening? when this works correctly, the only note you will see is below the prisoner tab on the list of absent people that "Child_X will be gone for 5 days" or something. on mine even that  message shows as truncated. after the days go by you will get a message that "Child_X has returned" then they will be on your roster.

thanks for the info, I will look into the improved random portraits mod. as other packs makers have mentioned, this is a lot more work thank I thought. Having the time of my life, though. cheers.

Howdy fellow Gamers.  Forgive me for being so very late to the party. I am working on a portrait pack (straight, milfs, younger dudes) (will give much more of the philosophy behind it  when I post it) I am wondering about tags (latest version core game only) 

Q: are there any TAGS for attractiveness? ::IE:: can I put in "unsavory" and "average" and such?

Q: what happens if I put in multiple races that might apply? (spoiler: this pack design is meant to partially species agnostic)

if anyone is still watching here and playing this great game, thanks ahead of time.