took a couple minutes to realise what the idea was & the three puzzles themselves were quite fun to solve!
one of the first times I've seen a "puzzle but you're blind" idea that actually felt fun the whole way through rather than just at the start. nice!
only knew about half the puzzle games here so ended up having to search online for the second last one and brute force the last (i have literally no idea what the solution to that one means) but very fun!
figured out what the objective was about 5 minutes in, I'm still here struggling to reach it an hour later...
Created an account just to mention that this message is encoded in Base 64 and decodes to "this is a secret message, no one will find out!"(the message is "dGhpcyBpcyBhIHNlY3JldCBtZXNzYWdlLCBubyBvbmUgd2lsbCBmaW5kIG91dCE=")