Woah! Sold! Thanks for uploading. Just started making a shop for a game world which will use some mods of your humans and these will come in handy. I have no idea how far I will go, but I've been checking out a lot of Godot tuts lately.
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Okay, got it. Your character asset packs are fun and I know how to make my own rigs so it's all good for me. Was really concerned bcuz the viking anim wasn't there.
If you're really releasing more packs, I'd definitely pick up modular interior house rooms: walls, tiles, etc. to make living rooms; bedrooms; bathrooms; cellar; attic, etc. Basic household accessories for these rooms: tables, chairs, tv, cabinets, kitchen appliances, etc. Other modellers have these (I have some), but they don't match your style.
I'm using Blender but don't know how to use the NLA editor. I've just done basic stuff: creating armature, posing bones, simple animations, etc. The heirarchy shows three animations but I don't see key frames on any except the one in the file name. If I should be able to access them in Blender, let me know cuz I certainly could use more tutorials and I'll figure it out. TBH, I'll probably create my own rigs/animations anyway, but others might want this info, too. Thanks for checking!