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A member registered Nov 12, 2020

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(3 edits)

Thanks for defence. I appreciate it alot. Like everyone on here, I was venting my frustrations on the game. I think the Game Maker has made lots of Money on the Success on their game and that my ranting might have come off strong, but it was also like a feedback. It was meant for them no one else. 

I was expecting a Positive response even a response from someone with a similar problem but I did not get that. I got attack for it instead. I guess some people have nothing better else to do with their lives, then to be Assholes, but it's ok, Thanks again. 

I went through the same problem, it kicked me out multiple times. It even went up to 20 mins. Was frustrating, I haven't played since then, so hopefully it's working better now... Good luck to you. Hopefully it was fixed.

You called me a damn Karen again you fking prick. Don't you have better things to do then to comment and reply with at least a decent comment. I was venting about the game not you. So you're basically the Karen pointing me out, instead of what is going on with the game. At the end of the day, it's not your game and your not going to shit about it. Move along with yourself. You started it I didn't, you didn't have to leave a comment. So, you stop being an arrogant Karen and stop leaving unproductive and unhelpful comments. People vent about things and your just a judgemental prick who doesn't know the difference. I have seen other comments from other people's post and answered situation that had happened to me. So thanks for your wasted time.

(3 edits)

Who in the fk are you calling Karen? Dumb fk! I'm asking a damn question here! Not to have some stupid smart ass person giving me his so called opinion. I know it's "Free" but without us buying there Content  it wouldn't stay free for long. I was asking a simple question why it was doing this. Which I have never had a problem before. So stfu and move along fking Douche Bag!

What the hell!!! I keep getting kicked off games and it says that I intentionally disconnecting and it keeps punishing me with me not being able to join a game session for mins. It just did it to me and now it says I have to wait 20mins before I can join a group! You guys need to fix ASAP! I paid for alot if in game content!