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Tom Feldmann

A member registered Feb 09, 2024 · View creator page →

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Hi! This is currently the official spring sale on which lasts 2 days and 6 hours :)

Thank you very much! Have fun developing :)

Hi! Yes, you can basically do whatever you want with the tracks, also modify them. Credit is also not required but always appreciated :)

Thank you so much! It would be awesome if you could rate this asset (button for that is on the top right corner) 

Just looked it up, I think CC BY 4.0 is the one I‘m looking for

Hi, I don’t really know about licenses as I just do this as a hobby. You can use the tracks for your games, also commercial games. You can also modify them. Just don’t release it as your own and I would love it if you credit me and send me a link to your game once it’s finished :)