Haha that's what I thought I would use as an excuse last night. "You're all alone you have to stop to aim the cannon!" I even thought about making it a real feature.
Amazing visuals, I had no idea what I was doing, fell through the map during a respawn! its very late so I didn't hear the audio. Perhaps next time include a tutorial tho? I loved being a magical tea pot.
I think that has something to do with the script I have on the camera that follows the player, I didn't have an issue with it the last time I used it. Thank you for letting me know, I don't quite notice it on my screen!
True hell. Endless torment of office politics. However I am the manager of hell now so that's a plus. Next break in a couple hundred thousand million years.
It was unique, the background music was enjoyable. I noticed some of the card combinations were both good and bad, one I had was heal and damage, I would think it would negate each other out. [maybe its in the tutorial I didn't read.] But instead it just dealt damage and ended my run.