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Tony Zang

A member registered Oct 28, 2023

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Ok thanks

Hey Lags why is the rebuild update version 0.7.X.X? and when will you start working on LSH? Btw how is your health? I hope you get better even when your doing good.

Hey JaShinn, what is the next project be about and what will the name be? Also where can i download it when its available? At Ci-en, Fantia, or another site?

Hey Lags why does the rebuild update say 0.7.X.X?

Awesome keep it up!

I did before commenting just wanted to hear Lags response.

Hey Lags so when you do an android update for this game does this mean HTA wont get updates til your done working on LSH?

Awesome update thank you lags!

Ok good to know lags. I can't wait for the update by the way, awesome progress!

Thank you Lags

Everyone enjoy the update! Lags just updated it so y'all can play it! Thank you Lags!

Everyone enjoy the update! Lags just updated it so y'all can play it! Thank you Lags!


Awesome can't wait for the update!

That actually sounds like an incredible plan. Hopefully everything turns out good.

It's ok take your time. When could we expect the upcoming update and nice progress so far.

Actually, a genius plan and i can't wait for the update!

Kappa sounds awesome, lets go with that.

Is there a demo so I could play the game before purchasing?

Looks awesome tho.

Is this a boss battle? and i can't wait for this update, keep it up!

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does anyone know why Annie's name is sometimes Ayako and Hailey's is sometimes Himawari? Is it their nickname?

I voted! All of them look excellent.

thank you.

For anyone wondering where did the v0.7.1 go. I think Lags took it out to fix bugs. Lags how are you btw hope your doing well.

I like that idea and the animation. Can you try to do animations that once the enemy grabs hailey or Annie they keep going

Its all good, cant wait!

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So are we gonna get the Shell worm and worm nest in 0.7.2 because it says moved to next update? Also incredible progress on the 0.7.1 update btw, I'm excited.

yea or like halloween or easter events 

I didn't even know about the christmas update but I finally played it and I gotta say, it is really fun! If you have the time, can you add more like this? 

Every update I see an improvement and good luck on the future projects! 

This game is not mediocre compared to other games! This game is the best game on and for the price it is really affordable. The visuals, the gameplay, the monsters and the overall story is awesome, especially the easter eggs. Thank you Lags for this awesome game and I hope you are feeling a lot better.

When is the next update? I'm excited to see what you will bring and I must say, you have an insane amount of potential. Keep it up!

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You have to find and collect all of the missing girls at level 3, 8, 13, 15, and save them in order to unlock annies story and the only playable maps for annie are moonrays sinkhole, the tutorial inn and the Cherry Forest Cave.  The 2 maps in the top left and bottom left don't work. But if its still not the case, delete it and download a different file or the same file and make sure you have enough space on your device, also make sure your device is also up to date.

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The Map Name is Cherry Forest Cave and the succubus is at this location

I Found the succubus! I would also like to say thank you lags because this game is amazing and i feel like it upgraded alot! I really hope you feel well and get better.  

To get the shopkeeper one lure him to the shopkeeper but make sure u click her and stay idol there. You dont have to buy anything just stay at the buying screen then he will hit her then the animation will give.

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How do you get this animation? I already got the shopkeeper one but Is this still in this update or did it get removed?  

the easter egg with the shop clerk and annie where the guy has sex when them. Is it still there or did it get removed? Also hope your feeling better lags.

Health comes first. We love you lags and we really hope you get to %100 and don't focus on this game at all, take care of yourself and take as much time as you need and I hope you feel better.