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A member registered May 02, 2022

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I’ve seen the NES version (on YouTube) and you’d nail it! 

Brilliant! In my opinion the best version of Pacman on the C64. It’s so smooth and enjoyable. Now the other thing left is a version of Championship Pacman!!!

Great little game, so much fun. We really enjoy playing it. Brilliant programming Aris, I really hope you do some more games because you’ve got a real talent.

Absolutely brilliant, what a great game. I’m really enjoying it. The feel is just right, it’s difficult but definitely fair, I never die and feel cheated. I don’t know how long you’ve been programming but you’re bloody good! Now let’s have a proper version of Flying Shark!

I do apologise, just did it, I’m an idiot!🤣

Hi, I’ve just started to get back into programming the c64 again and I’m currently using the freeware version. I’m really struggling to understand how you can get the sprites from Sprite Pad into CBM prg Studio? It appears that Sprite Pad doesn’t save the sprites in a .bin and CBM prg Studio requires this? I do apologise if I’m missing something?

Let’s have H.E.R.O. Revival next!! 

Another great game, fantastic effort 

absolutely fantastic, the look and feel is perfect, the graphics are lovely and detailed and the whole game oozes quality, can’t wait for the final version, brilliant.

If you study the scrolling it’s not as quick as I initially thought. I think the movement/logic of the ghosts are difficult. I’m very much “stock” C64, no REU for me! Hey this is Arlasoft - this guy is god!

Yes, agreed, the scroll routine would have to be  highly optimised. But there isn’t anything that says impossible. What a great challenge?! Honestly, I programmed “in the day” on a proper C64 on Zoom assembler so I’m a good judge of what’s capable and you could do that, okay might be very slightly slower but very doable.

I’m a massive fan of your work, I still can’t believe that version of Galaga you did - amazing. Have you seen the NES version of Pacman Championship Edition? I’m convinced you could do that on a C64, check it out on YouTube.

It would be such a pity if this died a death, it looks so good it really does look brilliant. I do hope you can one day finish it.

What an awesome highly polished brilliant game you have made. Even more impressive to think it’s your first C64 game. Well done what an achievement!

So funny, many thanks for making this, it really cheered me up, I keep trying to run towards the present to pick them up! Too much playing Tapper I think! Thanks again and have a Merry Christmas 

It’s absolutely brilliant to see you back on the 64 and what a great little game!

i got really excited when I received an email notifying me that you’d made a new game, then I realised it wasn’t for the C64. I was so disappointed! You’re a bloody genius and I bet there’s loads of people like me missing your input on the C64 games scene. Anyway, all the best.

Yet again another superbly highly playable masterpiece! You are genuinely a brilliant programmer and exceptional game designer, many thanks for creating this great game!

So much fun, you’ve really got a great talent for creating very playable one more go games!

Brilliant, absolutely brilliant, with the scrolling it feels “epic”. If you can do this then you can do a version of Pacman Championship Edition!