metal foundations to not only use the metal long game users end up with but to make it so there is and upgrade scene to the game.
other plants like carrots onions or other root based food for the grow beds meaning little grow animations plus may be able to just re skin the potato.
have food and water cookers take wood to burn. little like 10 water can be cooked from 1 plank. that way its also not a time thing just a use thing. witch is easier to code.
perhaps make it so u can drop a raw fish on a foundation to get the shark to come to u where u want. as well as it might provide an aggressive way of dealing with them. plus maybe a constant spawn of 1 every half hour or hour of game play caping at say 5. not enuf to slow computers much but for sky scraper builders enuf that the whole thing can come down if they dont take care of them. and/or a setting to turn off and on sharks for a potential passive kind of a bug. i came down to find the shark had taken out 3 completely (i mean 3 deep completely) surrounded foundations.
maybe barrals can give u a base of 2 planks and 1 metal. just as the materials its made of.
double high poles so its easier to build over a tree farm
meat to veg/ fruit ratio in food. a day night cycle .
maybe a 1% chance of huge stuff that u might find floating. like an old sail. gives u 5 thatch or something. and again re skin the barrel as a multi item object already coded make its base items different and maybe its interaction with nets for size.
maybe a small chance of pulling up metal or stone or other sinking materials u would like to add with the fishing pole. anding a new way for stuff to be in the game even if it wouldnt perticularly float.
hope u all liked my ideas. if a dev sees this and ikes it e-mail me at im willing to add input just want to know its seen