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A member registered Feb 06, 2015

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thank you so much!

this synth is friggin sweet. any chance of a VST version ?

it reminds me a text-to-speech generator from way way way back in the AOL Online days called 'ShitTalker by Jaundice" ... it had a random insult button. this is just like that but even better and up to date with modern times. i love this, it has a spot on my bookmarks toolbar permanently. you should make a downloadable application from this.

i actually had a LOT of issues trying to use my 360 controller. Had to say screw it and go with keyboard.

dude! thank you so much!
will get back to you and let you know what i think, give any feedback i may come up with and such.
i did not notice this reply until 3 days after you posted it, im really surprised the key wasnt used up!

cool lil game!
you requested to pay "anything", this included a long list of various things... here is a picture i found online, of a woman with a large vagina. I photoshopped her into, well. you see. lmao! hope you got a laugh out of it. thanks for fun game!

OK so uuuhhh... this LOOKS frigging amazing. Me, being a lifelong Metroidvania enthusiast, really REALY want to play this. Got excited by looking at what was shown just by mousing over the thumbnail on the main store page.
And now much to my dismay, i get inside the page, and get even more pumped for it from the animated .gif previews. And then i realize, there is no download button anymore.


lmao!!! really?      you REALLLLLLY cannot figure out how to unpack a .zip file without buying winzip?

hmm... seems i never came back to check if you replied ot this lol!

BUT.... whatever...

KITE turned out amazing btw...not sure if youre aware of it but im the same Toobs from Steam... you wound up giving me a key at some point and we have one another on our friends lists...

if you're EVEr up for some co-op twin-stickery, hit me up...

i downloaded this from here(i think?, maybe moddb or elsewhere?) way way back before it was on Steam or finished...and i absolutely loved it... just seen this pop up in a list of random suggestions for downloads and it made me a bit nostalgic about the first time i played this... really awesome, unique game and im glad it made its way onto Steam to become a fully realized project....great work, Dev...

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ill be purchasing anyway... looks great regardless... 
hopefully one day you pick it back up...

reason iasked about the guaranteed copy though, was because IF it were going to Steam and i would get a key, i was going to pay you $20.00 instead of $3.00...
and i appreciate the honesty and not lying about your project, your reply was not dissapointing, was actually refreshing to see the truth...

i'd like to buy this but i have a couple questions first...

while survival games like this one can be fun alone in single player mode, ultimately, they get pretty boring playing without others real fast...
so im wondering, do you plan to take this to Steam or another popular platform that will open it up to a much broader community?
and if so, if i were to purchase it here, would i be guaranteed a copy on whatever platform that may be?
also, do you have any plan in place to market this so that a community is built behind the game? 

the game looks really well made, and like you've put a lot of thought and effort into it, unlike most attempts at FPS survival games... i haven't even played it yet myself, have only checked out the media you've provided and can already tell it's quality work... 

when can we expect a full release on Steam? and have you already been Greenlit? or you reeleasing after Greenlight is shut down, and just paying the fee?

i love it. bring on the steam release. nao pls.


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actually, i hadn't even purchased it yet. was waiting until i get paid this week coming up. was just playing the demo before lol. so, thanks!
im going to donate anyway.

lmao@the anger in here from people who cant figure the game out... git gud IQz

would love to see more development on it...

also would love to see some online multiplayer through SteamCloud... that would be legit..

Will you ever be attempting to put this game on Steam? I am going to purchase it regardless, love the feel of the driving in this game... but i would love even more ot have this in my Steam library...

i agree with the statement that the video does not do the game justice...

i seen this one IndieGameStand... and i love top down racing games, so i checked it out...
and by watching the youtube video attached, i almost just ignored the game, because it looked EXTREMELY slow for a racing game...
but being there was a demo attached i decided to give it a go anyway... and i'm glad i did...turns out it isn't exactly slow driving, but more that the off-road physics are realistic...
im about to purchase it now... for .99 cents this purchase is a no brainer... im hoping to one day see this game on Steam...but i can't seem to find a Greenlight page or anything else like it, so im guessing you have no plans for that...but oh well... i'll still buy it as is... which is a rarity for me...i tend to stick to games that can be installed through Steam or similar platforms...

so congrats on making a quality game, i wouldn't waste my time with a small indie that is not free otherwise...

so this is your favorite genre as well then, huh??

any suggestions for me?? whether free or retail games, makes no difference... always looking for more to add to my collection.,..

this is without a doubt a REALLY GREAT game. im a huge fan of top down/isometric view shooters/hack'n'slashers....ESPECIALLY with RPG elements, or rogue-likes...

ive been scouring and gamejolt for freebies that fit that criteria lately.. this is definitely one of the best ive come across yet... cannot wait to see a full finished product...would most definitely pay my hard earned money for this game... just went and gave you a greenlight vote... cant believe this isnt already Greenlit...

only one thing i couldf say could use some work in this game... the movement feels a little odd...i guess its more the way the animations responds to your input but... thats a tiny issue...and not something that ruins the game in any way...

keep up the great work... will be following your development closely... i have a hard on for this one...

awesome, thanks.

you really missed an opportunity here for punage.
Disorient on the MURDER EXPRESS????
the joke made itself here...
Disorient on the Orient Express.

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i cant seem to get the download to start, from either mirror. which really sucks, because this looks amazing. its hard to believe something looking this great is an freebie.