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A member registered Sep 17, 2020 · View creator page →

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No sorry, it's hard to do from my windows pc iirc.

It is yeah. Thanks a lot!

Really cool, I love the look and sounds. On level 4 for now

Thank you, I appreciate your words and I'm glad you enjoyed :)


(1 edit)

Why not? Just decided to change it for the remake

Thank you, nice work :)

Nice, thanks for playing!

(1 edit)

Sure, here are some progressive hints (in rot13)

1. Lbh qba’g arrq gb cercner nalguvat orsber gur frpbaq ynfg bar

2. Gurer’f ab jnl gb oevat nalguvat qbja sebz hc gbc

3. Lbh arrq gb hfr n cneg bs gur yriry sebz rneyvre ba

4. Lbh arrq gb hfr gur fgneg nern

5. Lbh arrq gb qvr va beqre gb chfu gur oybpx gb gur evtug fcbg

Really cool!

Really fun!

not sure how far in you’ve gotten but here are some progressive hints in rot13 

1. Lbh fubhyq trg gb obgu purpxcbvagf

2. Gur ivarf tebj, lbh arrq bar gb tebj n pregnva nzbhag gb trg bhg bs gur fgnegvat nern

3. Gb trg cnfg gur frpbaq ivar lbh arrq gb or noyr gb qvr bhgfvqr gur nern haqrearngu ol:

4. Tebjvat n gubea fbzrjurer ryfr

5. Vs lbh’er ng gur frpbaq purpxcbvag, lbh arrq gb qb fbzrguvat arj jvgu gur ivarf:

6. Lbh arrq gb pnhfr gur ivar gb eha vagb n fcvxr

XD links to it

Glad you enjoyed :D

Thanks! Nice work :)


Fun game! I like the mechanic.

Manged to beat everything but 3-3 and 3-5

Ok, this should be fixed now


Fun! Unexpected twist


Rot13 hint: 9 vf fvzvyne gb 8 ohg lbh arrq gb qb fbzr zber fbxbona


Thanks so much! Glad you had a good time with it :)

Really fun!

Fun stuff! 5 and 6 are really nice. Number 3 feels a bit inelegant since you can solve with a red or a yellow on the goal, but not a big deal. Thanks for sharing!

There’s a hack link in the mobile friendly link in the description.

Glad you’re enjoying and thanks for the running commentary!

might be possible but quite hard yeah. Sounds like you already have the puzzles designed on paper? Maybe that’s an ok final format

oh awesome, glad you’re enjoying the game!

Here’s the basics of Puzzlescript, then if you need some help the Thinky Puzzle Games discord is a good place to ask

Whoops, you’re not supposed to be here yet XD

(I followed for the lure of secret future projects ;) )

Thanks! The steam launch is going pretty well, people seem to like the game. Exciting to be on Steam after making so many smaller itch games.

I remember looking at your Hagfish game, will have to check it out at some point.

My puzzle game Headlong Hunt is out now!

It's a puzzle game about guiding a skittish animal. Capture it by using simple interactions in surprisingly deep and satisfying ways - be two steps ahead as you choose to hide from sight or send the creature bolting. Think forwards and backwards to set up the perfect path to victory.

This is my first commercial project, and I've worked on it full time for around a year. 

Here is a release trailer:

There's also a free demo you could check out. And the game is on sale for 15% off for the first week, so now's a great time to pick it up!


Weird, it's slow for me now too. Didn't used to be like that hmm.

Really cool game! I wouldn’t call it short at all.

Cool game! I got up to the anchor.

Awesome, thanks a lot!

Glad you like it!

Thanks for playing!

For the demo I decided to take a pretty minimal approach. I didn’t want to show too much, in case people feel satisfied enough not to try the full game. As such the demo probably isn’t that interesting for people who already played the PuzzleScript version unfortunately.