I would love to play your game, but I can't because as I play it, it became a slideshow on my computer. But I really enjoyed the medieval soundtrack!
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You are supposed to play in a manner that you observe what the penguins are doing, for example following the routine to see if each penguin is on its track, about the pipes, there is a trickster penguin, dropping your pipes. Your mission is to discover which penguin is the (Imposter). The blue gun is a scanner, when I compiled the last version it stopped working {it was made to detect the name and age of the penguin so you can differentiate which one}. Also thanks for the playtest! I'm working on adding the actual gameplay and focusing on the fun to uncover the penguin!
Hey Sefulet!
I really enjoyed the way the game goes, it gives me among us vibes, also I would like to point the movement, it was something that I enjoyed, never had seen such movement of that kind implemented. Now, about some of the other tasks, like the flooding and the asteroids, I felt that they were kinda of useless, because I didn't saw any asteroids coming on the ship, so I didn't went to fix that and the water doesn't reduce a lot of the player's speed, making even easier for the player character calculate it's trajectory. But after all of the majority tasks, the are fun and easy and make sense each one of them! I had a lot fun here (only on being on the three important). Keep up the good work!
Jogo muito legal, eu diria que falta um pouco de música pra me deixar mais cativado, descobri um bug perto do penultimo level que quando eu estou 1/3 do inimigo e aperto no "enter" ele reseta o jogo e não importa a combinação ou o número total, que eu ganho e multiplica por 3. Porém vejo um grande potencial para o jogo! Continuem com o bom trabalho!
Well, here comes the feedback!
Very cool explanation in the begining, but I can't go back.
I loved the pixel art. Unique art!
I discovered that I can kill my self.
Doesn't have a main menu, very sad ;(.
In my opinion the map could be bigger, and the aim is too big (maybe make an default aim), the rest, is awesome, could have more waves like zombies, I liked that when you shoot the bullet can transform into a enemy. I saw this in a friend's game last year.
Keep up with the good work Vortex!!!