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A member registered Aug 07, 2022

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My impression is that getting permission to enter when the door is closed only applies if she's sleeping, not if she's masturbating or hooking up with someone else. Maybe content for the latter two scenarios has been planned but not written yet?

Glad my feedback was helpful! On the mismatch thing, what I'd like is to be able to have Theresa keep to a more respectful tone while the jealousy stuff is on in general (especially for *other* characters). No reason why Theresa being a straightforward submissive should preclude Liu calling MC "the third best fuck I've had today" or whatever. Heck, no reason why Theresa shouldn't be able to tell MC about the other people she's fucked on MC's orders without also calling MC inadequate.

(Again, even the inadequacy stuff isn't bad in general—it pairs quite well with having Theresa call you "slave" IMHO.)

On the whole, I love this game. But I do find the effects of the "Jealousy and Pride" book on Theresa's dialogue rather odd. I've played porn games with "alpha bitch" characters who are very mean to the MC... but giving Theresa that kind of dialog gives me tonal whiplash. Even her gentlest teasing feels inconsistent with her otherwise being a nervous wreck early in her training. And some of it comes off as quite mean rather than being just teasing, including dialogue that can appear before she's gotten her first stat point (without which, she can't even be slightly rude in greeting the main character!) I'm thinking e.g. of calling the MC "embarrassing" right at the very beginning of her kissing training.

Not complaining about the "Jealousy and Pride" content in general—for example Harbormaster Liu's stuff is great and feels totally in-character for her. But I think Theresa's content both needs to ramp up more slowly, and be controllable separately from the rest of the "Jealousy and Pride" content, so you can avoid having Theresa insult the MC while calling you "Goddess" or whatever.