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A member registered Jul 17, 2020

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(1 edit)

Kinda random and late topic (and probably a spoiler too if you're a new player) BUT hear me out...

Remember the quest where the witch requested to give her an egg from the corrupted lake? I know I might be overthinking things, but... it could be possible that the orange lizardman "leader" (I forgot his name) is the hatchling from that egg we gave to her.

Although kinda questionable how an egg hatched into a full grown buff lizard dude in just a span of days (if you're a speedrunner lol), mind you there is a scene where we witnessed an egg hatching at the corrupted lake and it mentioned the speed growth development of that hatchling. Plus, she's a witch. She probably have tinkered some stuff to it.

It really made me wonder what she did to that egg. I know for a fact she didn't asked us just to have it as a decoration or something. And now that we got introduced to a new(-ish) corrupted lizardman whose intentions are different than the others, it kinda make sense that it's somehow connected to the witch.

This is just to say that if this is somehow right, then there's no doubt that she can't be trusted. I mean, I don't fully trust her, being super shady and all, but daddy squidward wasn't also helping his case.

Also, no shade to the witch if my theory is wrong, but for someone who's been in the game for sooooooo long and has a profession which involves voodoos and enchantments and luring children in candy houses, this beyotch sure is pretty good at laying low and not causing any havoc.


Zee sir made me drop my croissant!

No, it's not a spoiler per se. It's updated up to the patreon version.

It's either because the guide is from patreon OR it's fan-made (probably from the official discord? idk), and someone from the mentioned sites shared it here to us peasants.  (WHICH we are VERY grateful of 馃槉)

Just follow the guide here:

This update was a huge mood whiplash for me. From being excited, to downright being confused af, then back to being sus, to "good lawd have mmmmercy!~" My sleep paralysis demon can't handle the stimulation 馃槅

Also... GAWD DAYUM LARS! Bet the Lars simps are shaking their bussies after that cg and sprite 馃槒 (I know mine did lol)

Update yet? ...okay...

Is it just me or anyone also having problems downloading here on itch? The site isn't loading images and it isn't downloading games. It also has been almost a month like this 馃

It's titled "Lustful Desires". I think it was intended to cover the majority of people's fetishes and whatnot, whether it be mild or extreme. And I'm pretty sure the developer didn't intend this to propagate taboo sex stuff. Just trying to appeal to people's pleasures.

So... yeah. I still and would still enjoy this game even the developer decides to put in necrophilia or... whatever over-the-top/wierd kink stuff people enjoy. The suspense of where the story is taking us is more than enough to ignore those not-for-me/distasteful details. But that's for me, in my opinion.

Soooo... Gunnar

Tbh, I didn't like him that much when he was first introduced. But now, after this update...


FOR THE SAKE OF LOGAN'S SMILE, HYAO, PLEASE DON'T LET HIM DIE! The man just romantically kissed us, acquired his first love point, got removed from the relationship log, and then top it off by leaving in an another major cliffhanger?! Like, dafuq?? Talk about ghosting in a good way XD

Holy shit, I can't wait for the next update! I really hope it's the continuation of Northcrest's conspiracy event. I don't know 'bout you all, but I'm more engrossed in the story than whether I can fit the nameless' monster in the MC's... the sex stuff. 

(-Also me patiently waiting for the main story update uwu)

I'm starting to think the reason why samuel and arturo somehow surviving their demise is because of their "cat ancestral privileges"

Having nine lives sure must be fun...

(2 edits)

Me resurrecting back to life to check for updates:

Me checking the past couple weeks comments:

Could someone enlighten me as to what that last part mean?

"some".... that's concerning 馃槹

Petition for Nikolai and/or William to have that happy ending. Please.

BE GAY AF AND SIMP ONE (or a few) OF THE CHARACTERS 馃拝 If you're already gay, then bathe yourself in more rainbows and Lars' coconut milk lol

No, but seriously, it's normally the story and/or the characters (or in some people's cases, the... intimate scenes) that makes you engrossed to it. If you can't find any interest, let alone enjoy the story, then I can't find any other explaination other than that particular VN is not for you.

But if you did enjoyed the story but don't have the same energy as we have in simping the characters, then you don't have to. Just... live in the moment, you know?

Hope this helps uwu

Is there any special characters or numbers included when typing in the password?

Im new to this vn so im not sure if the passwords have those like what roswell mentioned about him typing 'p@55w0rd' at the vault

How many love and like points do you have with Lars? I wasn't able to get this dialog either.

Lars just got horny again in that "cuddling-while-having-paranoia" moment in my playthrough

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Yeah i know. I just recently finished Carl's & Leo's route like an hour ago, and my heart dropped at those lines.

I just can't help it to get attached to them. I mean, how can you just not love William and Nickolai (and Cyntia)? They're like... rare pok茅mons that needs to be treasured lol

The creators of the Echo series doesn't seem to have "good ending" in their vocabulary. I mean I guess they do, but their type of good ending leaves you questionably happy yet depressing. Its like The Conjuring but with romance and the credit song is WAP but sanged by Celine Dion lol

That's exactly why its been bothering me. I too feel like the potential romances won't die... hopefully. BUT! Given that the Echo series seem to have a knack to kill some of the characters, and the fact that Sam, William, and Nick could have died on that so called bridge on the mines (although Sam did died at some point), I'd say I won't get myself too comfortable yet

I have a bad feeling about how the endings of each or some of the character will be. Like, my gut is telling me to NOT get too attached to the characters (especially William & Nick) ...or else, but my freakin' reproductive system's telling me: NOPE! TOO LATE! 

I can't believe I actually cried (again) on Harold's route (except, of course, on the specific part where they go "ughhh", "ahhh", "yeesss", "h-here it comes.."). Especially on the last part and the day before that. I'm assuming that it'll be like that with the other guys' best ending... hopefully. I might even consider buying a lot of tissues. (And you know as well as I do that I'm not going to use it for the tears *wink wink) Jk

Seriously though, I can't express it enough other than I honestly LOVE the story, the characters, the artworks, the game in general! And am actually looking forward for the finished product. ;)

Oh, and I created an account here just to tell you how awesome you are DyneWulf (and the team). GREAT JOB!!! 馃憤