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A member registered Nov 12, 2016 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Sorry for the late response! depends on what your're asking, which you haven't explained it yet. 

What you want is a custom player "screen", or foldable sheet like this, but with sections specific to what you need?
If it's the above case (so reusing the same design, decoration and aesthetic, just moving sections around and maybe drawing some new scrools, items and decorations here and there) that wouldn't be too expensive, around maybe 60€ (variable in case of more complex requests). 

if you are asking for a complete redesign, just keeping the overall layout of the booklet but with all different insides, that might cost more. 

Hey there! glad that you like it!

You mean like a proper DM screen? i could, and i'm sure it'd be fun, but i probably won't in the near future. These little things i make are for myself first and foremost, things that i actively use, and then decide to publish them.
Given i never master while we play Dnd, as of now i don't really have the motivation to make something like that, uhuh. 

With that said, if you would like a DM screen illustrated by me now instead of in the unspecified future when i decide to narrate a campaign, you can ask for a commission!

I've yet to play the game, but i have to say: This page is cool as hell! what a neat idea to have me try the gameplay while scrolling, uhuh.

you're welcome, glad i could help!

Thanks! It makes me so happy to hear this, uhuh. 

it's an archived file, you need to extract the folder inside with all the images. if you don't have software on your pc to open archives, try installing winrar, winzip or whichever you may prefere/find. 

Also, unless you've specifically chosen this version, i'd recommend using the new sheet i made in the link at the start of the page.

Let me know if there are ulterior issues!

I can't thank you enough for making this game. it just clicked every button i needed to push, and all the movement system flow together soo well. i dunno how you created a chemistry so elegant, but it works. 

i have some minor complaints, like that maybe more time could've been spent hyping up a little bit the final boss, maybe more notes scattered around, a bit of lore on the textless graves we can find hidden around, some paintings. i don't know how to make it, but i felt quite disconnected from the context and the story.
sure, it wasn't the focus, but it has its importance. 

also, i thin kthe ability to at least teleport to the last checkpoint might be useful and prevent some form of softblocking. at a point i managed to bullshit my way through almost all the wall-slide section without having it; i was enjoying the challenge, but if i wanted to go back to try a different path and to wait for the power up, it would've been quite the pain in the ass.

other than that, thanks a lot, i love this game and can't wait for what you'll do next!

....and yes, of course, goat mommy crush me between your tighs.

Grazie anche solo per avermi fatto scoprire rinascimento 2E uhuh

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Sorry for that. these were made back when i was a little less professional, uhuh. i'm glad they were useful though!

I do realize they are quite old though and not representative of how i do things now, so at some point, when i have time, i think i'll remake them completely.

Hey there!

My name is Lorenzo, aka TornioDuva. i'm an illustrator/aspiring game designer from italy. i do write, read and listen to english perfectly fine, be warned that my spoken english might be "simplistic", uhuh.  

If you have an idea but you are in need of someone for art assets and in general to be another voice in the team, i am available for a side project! plus, i wanted to grow some experience in using godot, so i'm particularly interested in this jam.

If you want to look what i'm good at, here's my portfolio site:

I can manage animations too, but i'd ask you to keep your goals simple, better if pixel art; i know how to animate, but i'm not very experienced at it, and i will likely have to relearn some stuff for this project in case. 

If i might be of use to you, let me know here or by email here:

ooh, ok, capisco, capisco. se questa è stata una scelta consapevole allora nulla da dire! semplicemente quello è il flavour che piace anche a me e mi è subito saltata all'occhio come cosa, uhuh. 

concludo dicendo solo che se effettivamente l'obiettivo qui era di fare un sistema più aperto e meno specifico di TTG o altri, come effettivamente è, la presentazione generale va un po' a cozzare con questa cosa, come hai puntualizzato anche te.

 personalmente, visto che gli hai già costruito un'estetica molto caratteristica, penderei più verso quella parte. 

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Glad you liked them! 

i personally doubt i am gonna update these specifically in any way, it's an old work made as an exercise and now i'm doing kind of different things. so, unless something specific is requested or commissioned, probably these will remain as they are. 

that said, i might in the future make more card and icon layouts, now with my new techniques and style. 

ehilà! sono Lorenzo, del comics. 

Sono riuscito effettivamente a leggermelo e ti lascio giusto qualche commento leggero; in generale mi è piaciuto, le tacche corpo e la durabilità equipaggiamento sono sicuro costruiscano una buona struttura di opzioni, ma con un costo che ti mantiene l'attenzione attiva, sarei decisamente curioso di provarlo. 

a livello meccanico contenutistico non ho nulla da dire. 

Gli unici commenti che mi sento di fare sono più estetici/di presentazione/composizione, ovvero:

  • Considerando quanto è piccolo e diretto questo sistema, livello e punti esperienza secondo me avrebbero più impatto di atmosfera se fossero chiamati qualcosa come Rango, status, o cazzutaggine, boh; il fatto che i soldi sono l'esperienza è carina come cosa, ma a quel punto ti direi perché avere i PX e non direttamente dire "con 1000 monete in città ti puoi comprare un rango, e se sei di rango X fai queste cose".
  • Caratteristiche di classe funziona ed è diretto come nome, maaa...non so, anche lì qualcosa come lavoro, carriera, classe e basta, o cul de sac sociale forse potrebbe rendere l'idea in modo meno articolato. 
  • L'arbitro come nome per il GM...ok, si capisce anche qui ed è più che sufficente per rendere l'idea, maaa boh, qualcosa di più caratteristico come "un giocatore interpreta il Bambogiaro, ovvero quella persona che attorno al fuoco tende a discore più di quanto gli altri siano disposti ad ascoltare, ed è colui che racconterà la storia delle vostre gesta", o qualcosa di simile che poi vai a definire come GM. 
  • Questa è ancora più soggettiva e tralasciabile come cosa delle altre, maaa....per la classe dell'avventuriero, il Bardo come caratteristica secondo me è un po' fuori posto; ci sta, ma visto l'andazzo generale forse qualcosa più come "Artista" generale proprio ce lo vedrei meglio, meno specifico. oppure specifico, ma nel senso che, come per il maestro d'arma, è artista in un ambito specifico a sua scelta (scrittura, teatro, canto, castelli di carte, sculture di fango, ecc.)

E niente, basta. queste sono osservazioni molto soggettive basate sul come piacciono a me le cose, quindi prendile pure con tutte le pinze che vuoi. 

thanks a lot!

(2 edits)

mmh...ok, this i like. so this makes it more of a bet with a "high risk, high reward" kind of system. you have agency over your casting in the sense that you can decide how much "power" to allocate to it, while increasing the risk of blowing in your face. 

this is good, but still aesthetically goes in another direction compared to what i wanted to convey here. the guess action in mine does not have any advantage or disadvantage, no matter how you do it, and in that way you are completely blind to fate and luck. one might consider it pointless for that, but to me the fact that you have to take active part in abandoning yourself to luck has meaning.

in your system the image is that of someone who treats magic more like a pressure valve, which isn't bad i want to reiterate, just different; i'm thinking about a game with these two different kind of approach to magic as a differentiation in class, uhuh, i think that would really be cool. 

on that note, if in the future i wanted to make a full fledged game and returned to these ideas plus yours, can i use it with credit?

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don't worry, thanks for trying to explain it uhuh. 

ok, now i got it more; most of my confusion came from the fact that i did not remember what fudge dices were, only now i thought of checking that uhuh. 

now, this feels like a pretty tight and functional system, also quite fun in the way you can and have to manage your dice results. 
It also....feels like a pretty different system compared to what i wanted to do.
what i mean is, without the guess mechanic it kinda of loses the vibe i was going for with this. 
sure, i haven't properly tested it, so i don't know if it's actually fun, but still. 

i guess you could say that rolling a pool of dice also stays within the leap of faith idea, but i liked that you had to  take the extra step in guessing it first. 

still, thanks for putting your idea out here, it's always interesting. this one, unless you can convince me otherwise, i don't think i'm gonna implement it in like your other suggestion. if other players like your variation though,  they are free to read it here and change it, of course!

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You're welcome!

uuh...sorry if i am a bit slow, but just to be sure of what you're suggesting here:

this is a visualization of both ends of possibile guess results, only that now if you guessed above the result you gain + and if below you gain -? and then you spend + and - in the EM table instead of rolling if you guessed 7+ figures away or use them to cancel each other? 

if i got it right...not gonna lie, maybe it's more articulated then what i wanted to do here uhuh. at the same time i like the idea of exhaust magic being just excess magic, not necessarily negative as i put it, and you can spend either negative or positive excess magic for different effects on a different table. 

again, this is definetely something that threatens to spiral into a way more complicated system, but....i like the idea of it!

....if i got it right, uhuh. if not, please have patience. if you have other ideas we can also change platform of discussion if you want. 

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Hey, thanks! Glad you like it! 

Your suggestion is indeed pretty cool, I might genuinely add it (I'll credit you if that's the case), I just need to think wether it fits as a base rule or as an additional one as suggestion for effect for equip, abilities, ecc, to keep the overall atmosphere of this system. 

for the license, I indicated in the info in this page creative Commons 1.0, the free for all one uhuh.

I searched this mosaic strict you suggested and it's indeed a really interesting way of categorizing this things, but what would it mean to publish it as a piece of it? Just adding it in the description to let people know what it is? 

Thanks! and well, that is the hope uhuh.

noted, thanks

thanks! i'm glad you like it, and you're welcome

cf back to school

(2 edits)

i'd love to! the problem is that i don't play pathfinder, so i'd have to learn it and play it a bit first, so to understand the sensibilities of a player. either that or someone assists me in the modding process of this one.

the first case is the most unlinkely, since i don't have the time at the moment to start a new session;
for the second one, i'm absolutely willing to follow someone's directions, either through a direct commission request or if someone just lists what changes it would need and then somewhere in the future i'll review it. 

sure! what i ask is to not directly resell this pack and to give credit to me in your game for the art of the tiles. 

i'm glad you liked it! I hope it will be useful for your players then.


thanks! i'm glad you liked it!

don't worry, i suggest to donate only to those that have to resources to spend on smaller creators, i myself am not one of them, uhuh. 

that said, please, if this becomes part of of a project, or you want to modify it in some way to create something else, let me know, i'm always very curious about how my stuff is used. 

thanks for the update! it's sad to hear, but don't worry, take your time :)

thanks! i'll definetely try it out and see what i can do with it as soon as i have the time


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UPDATE: you can do whatever you want with these assets, i updated the license. 

hello! are you asking me if you can make a game with this assets and sell it? because if that's the case, i'm sorry but no. the license these assets are under is, as indicated at the bottom of the description, one that allows you to use, share and edit them as long as you're not reselling it.  Now, if you want to print them, do something with them and then sell the result between you and your friends, i cannot interevene and you can do as you wish, as long as it's not a public thing. 

if you're asking me to make a game....eee, i'm sorry, but i don't have the time. these i made as an exercise, but i'm occupied with other stuff as of now. 

Thanks! i'm glad you liked it

Uuh, that's very Cool, thanks! Since the demo i've been really eager to play It. Do you know already how much It Will cost and how many levels there Will be?

ehi, hello, thanks for the download!

For what i could translate i think i understand that you like it, and in that thanks, i'm glad. 

Regarding the lack of a font pack, unortunately i can't distribute something i don't own, given it's made by other artists, but in the page store page here you can find the name of it to download it yourself. 

i thought about making a custom one myself, but i don't have the time as of know, sorry for that. 


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Hello there!

As an all around flippers lover, i must say this a really cool and fun flipper game, perfectly nailed the right feeling. 

the only thing i feel like complaining about a little bit it's the sound design; it's good for the most part, but, aside from an anequal mixing of various different effects, some louder than others, there were some that felt...i would say off, like the bouncing white surfaces. i don't know, mabe it's personal, but everytime i heard them, it didn't felt like they should've make that loud "pop" sound. 

I would suggest a tiny bit of rework for the sound design overall. aside from that, really cool game!

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this is so nice and joyful....
thank you! if i ever use them for anything other than happily listen to, i'll be sure to credit you. 

realy, really cool game, i must say. one single note i could give to you is that the wait time between the death screen and the main menu. i mean, it's atmosferical and all, but, being this a really rinse and repeat type of game, i feel like it's pretty counterproductive.