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A member registered Jan 24, 2023

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This is very confusing. How can it be a permission error when the game can read and write files without any problems.

It has no problem reading a save file that the game created but it doesn't do that for the old save files. I think it's either a version compatibility issue or just android being buggy.

Also, my old save files doesn't seem to have a "thumbnail?" Or whatever the picture that appears on the save slot.

It quite obvious that it can't seem to read my old save files, which I don't know if it's a compatibility issue? I could only guess cuz I am no game dev lol

I'm on Android lol. The file is in android/data/com.domain.corruptedkingdoms.

The game can write a save file and read it no problem. But it somehow cannot read my old save files. Any ideas on why that is?

Is this a bug? Or am I just stupid?

The game cannot load my old save file for some reason. The error says permission error or something, which is strange because the game can create and new save files but it can't load my old save files.

I just wanted to know if this is intentional or not.

Oh wait, are you using Android? If not, then I don't know.

Open your file manager. In the internal storage, enter the android folder, then enter the data folder. Once inside, fine the folder named com.rngeusex.goodbyeeternity, then copy it outside the data folder so that if you uninstall the app, you'll still have your save files and if you want to play it again, just copy the folder back into the data folder.

Just make a save file o something

I really, really love this game. I appreciate the work that the devs are putting into this game and I wish you guys continue working on this game until the end.

I've played this game back on version 0.3 and after I finished playing it, I've realized that game has so much potential to become even better.

I really like the characters (specially Noriko) and the overall writing of the story. The story has many paths that the player can take, depending on their playstyle and preferences, which really makes this game unique.

the artstyle is also amazing. Every place the player goes, their gonna be amazed by the level of details the artists puts into every backgrounds of this game, and I like that.

The only problem that I had in this game though is the NTR teasing, and hopefully stays that way for the entirety of the game development (I don't like NTR but I don't shit on NTR enjoyers. I understand that people have their own unique preferences when it comes to this stuff so it's fine, but hopefully this game continues to be NTR free)

Thanks again to the devs for all the work they put into this game. (I would've donated money but I don't have any, which is a shame)

I would've dropped the game so hard if I found out there's going to be NTR content in future updates

Possible NTR content

Finally an update for Noriko. Let's go! I'm hyped af

Maybe a sequel about the story of zero's past or maybe do like a reverse harem type sh*t with the mother of the current mc as the protagonist. That'd be cool.

Try talking to the old man. Although I'm not so sure that'll work

Full storage maybe?