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A member registered May 28, 2024

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wait will we get steam keys once it releases on steam tho?

What do yall think about the idea?

I mean yeah thats just the easy way to get the achievement that works you can even get the quarantine achievement like that by just killing everyone but the rank wont be good so if you want a challenge dont kill everyone if you wanna just get every achievement doesent matter how you can use that

New idea for the third mode

Memory Mode

It's similar to nightmare mode but before you can do anything the game gives you 20 seconds to memorize the 6 number ID and the entry request.After that you cant check the ID or entry request and you have to use the folders.If you guess if its a doppelganger or neighbor right you stay alive but if you make a mistake you die like in nightmare mode.At the end you encounter the memory-man.He asks you to play the game called "memory" best of 5.If you call the D.D.D he will just dissapear and re-apear when the cleaning process is finished and the D.D.D will say that the cleaning process didnt work.The memory-man tells you the rules: 1.its best of 5    2.You get one turn.   3. you pick 2 cards that are flipped.   4. if you guess it right you get a point.     5. if you guees it right you get another turn if not its his turn.If you lose its game over if you win you defeated Memory Mode and get a achievement.

i just updated to version now the paper is gone i think i can get the achievement now!

No there isnt sadly

Yeah if you want to have access to the game files all the time you have to buy the game on a account so you have to buy the game again

(1 edit)

Ok so ive got 2 problems.

first one i cant get the unlikely achievement idk why i think its bugged cuz i aleadry have the clown paper but not the achievement.Second i download the version of the game and windows is telling me that it might put my pc at risk idk if its safe and i want to get all achievements.

So yeah tell me if i can somehow reset my progress and i will try to test on a virtual machine.Dang the virtual machine doesent work i just tried

Yo I have been trying to get every achievement in That's not my neighbor.But I have a problem.For some reason i cannot get the "Unlikely" Achievement whenever i do Arcade Mode for some reason i aleadry have the paper but not the achievement.Am I doing something wrong or is my achievement somehow bugged because i aleadry beat the clown in Nightmare Mode and also tried to call the D.D.D. on him. So yeah please help..