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A member registered Mar 09, 2024 · View creator page →

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This was the most adorable and wholesome thing i have ever seen. DUDE THIS IS AMAZING!!!

Really cool, but the hit boxes on the spear are a little big, like i would be right beside one, but i would still get hit

Thx BRO!!!!!!!!

Could you possibly make them in ogg, thats all my game program can process....

What file type are these?

Not bad.... not bad. Looks just like the ff window.

(I've always been a big fan of the series and I've always wanted to make a game like it!)

(2 edits)

This looks like mv.... nice! I use rpg maker so it's nice to see that ALL rpg maker devs aren't lazy. One small thing tho, pls change the controls to WASD.... I can't code js at ALL but with a simple tutorial I did it.

(Maybe not in this game, but in FUTURE project plsssssss)

I know you said it was meant for rm2k3 but im rly good at messing around with tilesets in the database to make them work... is it ok for me to get this? I use rmmz

One problem.... does there happen to be battle animations that come with this pack?

Or maybe some animation that u might think would go along with this pack?

(Sry, didn't mean to offend anyone with my comment)

Ok, that clears it up a little. Thanks!

I'm not entirely sure what this plugin does... because anybody with half a brain can put relationships in a game with this plugin... (Not to mention you have to pay for it)

What does it even do???

NGL, this music is purty amazing, my favorite is "DINO RAMPAGE"


(1 edit)

Can i use this in a commercial game.... this is really really well made.

 (Almost as good as my favorite boss music, the ff6 boss music, and that's saying something since i dont even think megalovania is close)

As awesome as that was, it doesnt fit my game, i really like i though. Keep up the good work!

BRUH, THIS LOOKS REALLY GOOD, not sure if ill get, but man...

Not bad not bad.......

Whenever i open up the save file it always says, cannot read property of "width undefined", what's wrong?

I am using the "Alpha ABS Z" plugin by kage desu, would this plugin work with it???

lol this game is hilarious! but very true!

Praise the Lord on High!!!! Finally i found an rpg maker game that isn't trash!!! Thank you, very cool, I didn't get to finish it but i definetly will soon!


HI! This is a really cool plugin but... I've run into a problem whlie i was playtesting my game.... sometimes when I do certain actions it flashes an error and says it cannot read property of 'setBlendColor'.  It happens whenever i try to use the formation feature, or when i try to look at the skills of a different party member, (not the one it starts on),  could you please explain this to me???