Okay thanks for your two replies. I was getting really frustrated, but I just figured out how to resolve it after reading your replies. It's kind of counter intuitive in how specific it is to rape someone. You have to (A) interact (meeting) someone, force them to have sex, then specifically subdue/hold them down, and then tie rope around them - that seems to be the only sequence of actions that lets you do any other sex actions.
Anyway problem resolved. I also just realized if you force them to have sex and they get into it, the rebelling thing goes away almost instantly. What a ****ing relief that is.
Recent community posts
After playing it with some more, I am no less baffled by this "Due to recent events X is rebelling" buff. Why the heck is this even in the game? Its only purpose seems to be to deadlock your progress with girls, which in the beginning is really slow. You can't have sex with your own sex slaves in jail. What IS that!? It's just insane. Am I supposed to get a written contract of consensual sex from them? WTF? Did I download "Strive For Power - Feminist Edition" by accident? A petite fairy with 0 strength in prison can "brute force" resist the 6 str man who has her chained in prison? I know this is a fantasy game but get real!
The whole sex system seems to work similar to the Era games (Eratohok, tw), except for this notable exception, there wasn't any bullshit where you just had to wait a month before doing anything to them, probably because it's insanely stupid and seems almost intentionally counterproductive to the point of a slave trainer game.
Probably the best part is where traits don't actually mean anything, because both "likes it rough" and "masochist" traits both hate being forced to do anything, or being hit, so long as they are rebelling, literally the direct opposite of the traits defining purpose.
I just started playing this game again after a year+ break, so I started a new game. Anyway one of my first captives is this girl who has the trait 'Likes It Rough' which says: "Rape actions cause no loyalty and obediance reduction"
So I think... okay, I can just have sex with her without all the chatting/hugging/whatever right? So I try that, but alas, whether it is rape or if you convince her to be intimate, either way when it gets to the sex scene every action will result in "She resists by brute force" any action, for every action until it is over.
And then... the cherry on top, is that every single rejection results in huge obedience loss, so she goes from green to red in one sex act. Even if she agreed to do it! How does this make sense?
I am guessing the source of all this is the "Due to recent events Daysi rebels against your control" in red under her profile, which seems to be a thing for all new captives. However is it me or is this totally inconsistent with the purpose of the trait, "Likes It Rough"?
Is it just a boring waiting game? I have to wait 1 week+ for every new captive to do anything? How the hell does a slave in jail even resist rape by brute force anyway? I don't understand it at all lol.