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Toxic Wizard

A member registered Mar 04, 2024

Recent community posts

Thanks dev.

Hey dev, I love ur game so much. Thanks for the new update. But I've a question for u, are u going to include "Text Outline" features in the game preference? Cuz it's kinda difficult to read when we use the dialogue box opacity to lowest, when it's dark back ground then there's no problem. But when it comes to white it became kinda difficult to read.

We suppose to wait like 1 or 2 months for public release after releasing the early access for every vn. Other than that idk how much longer we've to wait for this update.

Yeah next update is already released. But it isn't public release. It's early access

Hey dev, I've a question for u. Is it not possible to pursue Emma's route without femdom? I don't really like femdom but a little bit of femdom is okeis for me. But can u pls let us know that in future is there going to be an option between maledom or femdom, so we can enjoy it as our taste. I'll be really grateful if u please let us know.

Dude this game is actually on hold, it could be back. Let's wait and see wht happen next.

It a really awesome start dev. Keep it up. We'll be waiting for ur next update.

Thanks for the reply dev. Good luck to u

I've got one word and that is "Phenomenal"..... Dev hats off to you...... I've played too many this type of games that i lost count (approx 250 ig). But i can't believe that this is ur first game. Is this really ur first game dev?....... Great animation, great character design, it has everything we want. Really can't wait for the next update. Pls don't abandon this game. We'll be heart broken. This game is too good. Thanks for the hard work dev.

no idea, dude. 

Yeah u did good man. I started it and I'm regretting now. It used to be a really good game. Great animation, great story but now it's dead. 

Yeah it's actually abandoned. I was really hoping to enjoy the next update bt it never came. How sad😔

Ok, thanks for the reply. 

Hi Dev, I'm also a fan of ur beautiful work like the rest the people here. I've a questions for u, can u pls let us know when will u be going to release the next update. 


Hey Dev, I just started playing ur game cuz it looks fantastic, I hope it's story is as great as it looks. Bt that's actually not reason I'm writing this. I've a very small request from u, if u make it possible I'll really be greatful. Can u please please please make an extra option in the preferences so that who ever wants to make the conversation box transperent they can do that. That'll be really helpful. Thanku!! 😊

Hi guys, it's actually my 1st time playing this game. That's why idk where to start. can anyone pls help me.

I don't think this project is abandoned yet. But ig it stopped releasing in itch, or delayed idk. But u can find next update of this game on f95zone. 

Thanks for ur reply. Well I'll have to wait then🥲

Hey Dev, i just want to let you know that it's the most wholesome game I've ever played. I've been playing this type of games from around a decade and I've played over 200 games. And this game is one of my favorite among some of my other favorite games like- Eternum, My Bully Is My Lover etc. It's a really beautiful game, please don't abandon this game and keep making this type of games in the future. 

Do anyone know about when is this game's v0.11 will be out? I really love this game so much, I can't wait to play the next update. Please let me know if anyone know about the update.

I really can't wait for the next update of this fabulous game. It's really awsome. It's one of my favorite. You are really developing a masterpiece. 🔥