Says the one having an outright hissy fit over a woman just expressing that she's tired of the use of literal slurs
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This was a really fun little game! Although I do have some criticisms and some suggestions on how to address them if you'd be willing to hear me out.
One issue I ran into a lot was getting shot while I was droning people. Like I would be trying to dodge the shots from the pigs but I would accidentally drone someone which would freeze me in place, allowing them to hit me, so maybe either invincibility frames during droning or making it so droning doesn't stop your moving?
Another is during the early game it can be very annoying when you spawn in an area which has pigs in it, so maybe change it so they can't spawn in the very first area.
Also maybe have it so you have an extra hitpoint to start with to make the early game a little less tedious, and maybe make droned pigs have an extra hit point or a droning gun to incentivize droning them more, and/or have them follow you between areas?
I can't even get out of the house you start in. I extracted the files before opening it but when I go out the front door (Or at least what I assume is the front door) it's just a black abyss, and there doesn't seem to be any way to get dressed either. Although when I then tried to play as a male it seemed to work. Do you know what's going on?