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A member registered Jun 29, 2020

Recent community posts

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I encountered an interesting problem while trying to extract Henry's Alt Glasses RPAs. The game has two rpa files named resource1 and resource2.

Trying to extract neither file will cause the program to stuck in an infinite loop while it slowly fill up your storage space (I realized in time and it managed to create 50gb worth of files)

DragonUnpacker works though

This visual novel is safe for work, but does contain some adult situations. Were it a TV show in the US, it would be rated TV-MA.
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You forgot John's route which can be accessed by just agreeing to switch seat with him.

Nope, the game is still in hiatus so it probably gonna be a long while before anything nsfw is added.

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A bit late but I believe there will be NSFW patch for the game in the future.

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To keep the patrons from mass unsubbing before being billed, duh.

With that out of the way, I find it to be quite questionable in my opinion.

Well it's still something... 

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It's the new build btw! Yes he released it!

Edit: Just re-read and it's a "half" new build :/

Yes. People do grow attached to things.

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I believe the term "reworking the code" is incorrect here. The game total size as of right now is 613MB, 503MB of which are media files alone.

What Kael likely did is compress the images, particularly the characters' sprites to save more space. Right now, a sprite file in FBTW average about 440kb (in Tennis Ace a sprite is typically around 100kb for comparison) so saying that he reworked and saved 200MB of code is wrong.

Furthermore, do not let the numbers deceive you. "3000 lines of brand new code and 6000 lines of reworked code" hardly mean anything. Virtually all furry visual novels (including FBTW) are built using Renpy which is incredibly easy to use. To demonstrate what I meant, here is the script of chapter 1.

Bonus: only 6kb of the game are code, the rests are media files and Renpy built-in library.

He should be earning around 3k - 12k per month according to graphtreon, though at the very least 1.5k.

Sorry if my "Congrats on adding more fuel to the fire" comment seems like hate or stupid speech to you, but if I tried to explain why some of your points are completely invalid, it would definitely grow into an all-out argument. My comment is supposed to be "ignorant" I would say but if it is somehow misinterpeted by you then my apologies.

I believe disabling comments here is a terrible move. Itch is kind of a container for most toxicity right now and other platforms are relatively quite calm compared to Itch. Removing comments here will only make Kael be seen as avoiding his problems (and possibly fuel more anger which in turn, flood into other platforms such as Twitter and Discord)

Congrats on adding more fuel to the fire.

I think you are a bit confused. Non-patreons and $1 and $5 tiers receive the same exact finished and polished update with the only difference is that patreons receive it earlier than non-patreons. 

Terms like "Alpha" and "Beta" just indicate that there are still work to be done before the product is considered complete and they are not necessarily limited to game titles. Updates can also be considered betas or alphas depending on how much work is left before it's up to standard. To illustrate, games such as PUBG has public test servers for players to playtest the upcoming major update and to provide feedbacks for developers to make adjustments as well as to weed out bugs, so in a sense such updates can be considered in "beta" or "alpha". In fbtw's case, $1 and $5 tiers don't receive the update because it is not finished; therefore, it is considered a work in progress which only $10 tier and above have access to.

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Ah you got it wrong! No one died.

Kael is feeling demotivated to work on the novel not because of a loved one's passing nor any health complications from vaccine shots, but rather because his SO left for a business trip which will last 3 months.

I hope this clear the confusion for you, a loved one's passing and health complications are all examples. 

Edit: Now that I've re-read it, I should have worded it better.

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Ah your comment makes great points! It may have a very bold move of me to assume that he could've handle the temporary separation from his BF a bit better since I am not in his shoes, though it is my opinion after all (even if I sounds like an ahole, as I stated). My objective in making the original post is to merely point out what Kael fails as a creator to both patreons and non-patreons and I simply don't want positive criticisms to be drown out and downvoted to hell by people who blindly worship him which will inevitably do more harm than good. Nevertheless, thank you for your constructive comment and I will pay more attention to avoid making unnecessary speculations in the future!

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Ah my bad! I completely missed build 4.5.8 and chose 0.46 instead. Thanks for pointing it out!

And I can see your points. Compared to other visual novels, FBtW probably have one of the longest read time per update (looking at you Socially Awkward >.>, still love you though since both patreons and non-patreons receive update that the same time) so burnouts from overworking are very probable and I'm perfectly fine if Kael decided to take a month or two off, provided that he be up-front with it. Though the thing I don't like is the lack of communication. Outside of Patreon (BTW I personally believe things like "Personal Update" shouldn't be locked behind a paywall) and on Twitter which is flooded with art retweets and possibly on Discord (I don't use Discord that much) there is no other ways to tell what is going with the game development. A simple "Hey guys I feel the build is not ready yet and life is tough for me right now so I don't know how long it will take before it is ready so bear with me!" would be a lot better than a flat TBA with no explanation whatsoever, especially when the update is delayed times again. Though I agree with you for the most part.

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Ok so this is my take on the situation and I see a lot of people are defending Kael or even downright harassing people who have valid criticisms, claiming this comment section is "toxic". Even though it is not right to spit fire at Kael for delays, I also feel that Kael is also not completely innocent here. The update that was supposed to come out like 2 months ago is still no where to been seen, heck even lower tiers patreons - the people who are supposed to receive the update before most - haven't gotten any news outside of a "Personal Update" and keep in mind that Kael is still collecting patreons' money during all this time without pause or anything to make up for it (which I find it to be questionable at best).

This is the part where I might sound like a dick but this is my personal opinion so here it is. Kael is feeling demotivated to work on the novel not because of a loved one's passing nor any health complications from vaccine shots, but rather because his SO left for a business trip which will last 3 months. That's it. I don't know why but it almost seemed to me that his SO is never coming back or what to left him so deprived of energy and motivation to make progress on the novel for two months straight? While simultaneously siphoning money out of patreons' pockets? I don't know but I guess everyone's different. 

Now I'm not saying it is right to attack the creator for delays, but it is understandable for some to feel disappointed and angry, especially patreons. Every planned release date sets an expectation, and failure to meet such expectations for two months is bound for backlashes, and arguments such as: 

  • give some credit and respect to the creator because were all playing the game for FREE, don't wait for the creator make this game to have a price.
  • Kael doesn't owe the Patreons his soul, they are free to unsub.
  • The rest of us need to keep on with our lives, you're getting great content for FREE, so you have no room to demand anything.

Makes little to no sense to me. But hey, this is my personal, subjective, and not as hard as concrete of an opinion. Feel free to express what you dislike about this post or anything via replies. I'm all ears.

Hi $10 tier patreon here. The update is considered to be a WIP therefore only $10 tiers have access to it.

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tbh I find the "Kael doesn't owe you his soul" argument very stupid but it's just my personal opinion.


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If you are not getting the CGI at the current end of John's route then it is either because:

  1. Your choices are off (aka John doesn't like you enough >:) ). Try experimenting around more
  2. You are using an older version of the game (make sure its 0.13)


Ok then! Starts from CS1:

  1. Let it go
  2. Push him away!
  3. Climb onto the bed with him
  4. Be the better man
  5. [Any]
  6. [Any]
  7. [Any]
  8. Tell the truth
  9. I still mean it
  10. Ignore your father!
  11. [Any]
  12. Not at all
  13. I can't bring myself to stay silent
  14. Be firm
  15. Keep pushing

I play on Android build and I still got to day 29 so the build is completely fine. Maybe you haven't tried out all the choices yet? I can post my choices to get to day 29 if you want me to.