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A member registered Feb 10, 2021

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Sure I'll try it out, and thank you for your swift reply, and all the best.

What about andriod version we are still waiting for the update the last update what we have is 0.23?

I was just doing the tasks as mentioned and talked to the girls and work with them to increase the affection status. However, the game isn't complete yet to go further into the mission. Therefore, I'm waiting for the release of the new version. Hope to get it soon as I love this game and it is so excited, clear, and no bugs reported. Thank you Yeehaw games developer.

Please update it as soon as possible

(2 edits)

Yeah the quest required to have affection level 2 to Naka, Mona, Elly, please help I explored the deep forest and I can't enter to the mansion of the new girl..

Oops I just saw this in the quest list, it mentioned that I can't complete the quest until the next update, thank you and looking forward to download the new release.

Ohh my, ok then I'll try modify it and I'll let you know if it works

Noted with many thanks, so I have to play it from the beginning in windows edition. Ok I'll do that, and I'll report to you when I reached kobold quest, thank you again for your swift reply. 

Best regards 

Also when I press on quest journal, when I click on quest details it becomes a black page on the right as the attached photo. Therefore, I can't see the quest details and I'm stuck don'know how to active the bomb or move it to the rocks? Please help, I've been trying for 3 days without any success. 

(4 edits)

Hi there, how are you doing? First of all, the game is so good I loved it, thank you very much for this lovely exited game. However, I need your help in this as I'm stuck in Kobold's quest when boss Kobold asking me for help to defeat the rock boss. When I cross the bridg, the rock keeps throwing a stone bomb at me, and I should run to the right to enter another path, after that I find a red switch on the left when I press the switch a black bomb appears and I tried to move or to light it up but I couldn't. Moreover, the end of the path is closed with rocks, 

please help as I'm using android system and game version 0.8

I can't event exit from the dungeon:(

Please see the attached screenshot for more clarification 

Please help