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A member registered May 09, 2023

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Ok? Ntr is an umbrella term for both netorare and netori so I don't see how this being netori or that you save him effects this at all, I don't get your argument man. It's in the next update so I don't blame you for not adding it yet but adding a warning when the update comes wouldn't hurt you. Don't get me wrong, this looks like a great game but ntr can be a deal breaker for some, including myself. 

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May I direct you to your own patreon page, the "Isekai Awakening v 1.17.0" update, first line you say "Updatelog Added 21 Sound Effects/ Voice lines for Church Maiden Added new menu option for Mary NTR and Non-NTR route Added a new minigame of...". Can't see the rest without paying but it certainly gives off the idea that there is an ntr route that you can only turn off in the next update.

The latest updates have really fallen off, story is alright but the weird mismatch of hand-drawn and ai art is horrible, just pick one or the other. Also, been a while since I played from the start but I feel like this has become way more linear than it used to be.

damn dude, put an ntr warning somewhere

Yeah... you didn't "buy" the game, it's free and I can confirm, the screenshots are in game, just a bit later on

(5 edits)

so what's the difference between paid and free ver?
just the extra art on the phone?

ok I may or may not have underestimated how much content is behind the patreon/subscriber wall

wrong again, I think, man your pay walls are confusing 

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Nah, if the dev doesn't want to bother with properly advertising their game, I don't want to bother playing it.

no images? how am I supposed to know what I'm buying?

it's only right to ask for money after a product is done

I've ran into them too, gonna compile them and send it over at dc

yup, that sold me, I'm getting the app

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bruh, I just completed the 6h download and there is already a new update, this is impossible 

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This sure is a challenge to download, already failed twice and with my internet speeds it takes ~6h give or take, maybe steam is a better option but I do like having the full fines on hand.

No pictures to advertise it? How am I supposed to know what type of game am I downloading?