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Music by Travis Bernau

A member registered 31 days ago · View creator page →

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Hey! great job, haha, very fun!

Thanks for playing!

thank you, yeah, that'd be good to add!

Thank you!

thank you so much! :-)

thank you, and good ideas! we definitely would like to do more

thank you so much!

Thanks so much! yeah, I think it's something we'll have to keep tweaking, thanks

Thank you! thanks, good point!

Thanks so much! :-)

Thank you! :-)

ooh, okay, I tried again, and beat it, yay! I really liked the music! and the dancing animation of the character at the end. 

hey, nice job! I had a fatal error at first, but tried again, then I walked into the water, haha, and fell into oblivion, tried again, I got past the dash part, but then fell off somewhere. I like the art for the character, cool!

Very cool! I was thinking maybe I'd be able to kill those creatures or maybe find some items to heal myself, but overall, nice job!

Hey! nice game! was there a way to kill the enemies? I thought maybe I could kill them by landing on them, haha. overall, it was fun, nice work! 

ooh, I tried the game, I like the idea, concept sounds nice a storm moving around the map... although, I'm not sure how to move around the map...