cool relaxing game! great world and atmosphere (sounds). somehow the tutorial text opened everytime. would have enjoyed a faster respawn :) gj!
thanks for playing! to win u need ot gather all friends in the camp (startingarea) the wincondition is a bit odd. its fixed already tho!
sounds like a great idea! thank u for playing!
Thanks :) yeah that would make it more engaging :D
not available atm
cool game idea! sadly no sound. or art on :)
i like your gamedesign. it looks good! and its fluid!
at the lava i didnt know how to progress :(
tried it because i had no clue what it was.
i was searching stuff to get out of rooms in an selfmade environment.
mouse is way to slow for me. would have played it more :)
i get trine vibes cool :) nice music
thanks :) sadly we cant reupload the GL due to rules. but u could download the files if u wish so.
thank u for playing the game and the feedback. we appreciate it alot, and we totally agree. had a lack of time. but we had fun :)
thanks for the feedback! its a quick fix. cant reupload tho because of the rules. will need to wait or download the files. sry
FREEED! haha. u made me laugh! cool game, fun idea and implementation! i should´v read the tutorial tho. figured out i can run with 1 item missing xD
thank u for showing interrest in playing Solfles! and helping us fixing the Browser version. We figured it out aswell, sadly we cant update the version due to the voting phase of the GameJam & Rules!.
Thank u! sadly we ran out of time. would have loved to get everything done in time :)
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