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A member registered Jul 16, 2019

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Thanks for update :))

Now I am at home from work, thx for update :)

(1 edit)

they working on 4.1.0 version, the public version gonna be 4.1.0, all other versions are for patreons and donaters. 

So wait for it bruh.

Try to play  it again and DO NOT SKIP the dialoge, read it and Than you can see you lose or you won the battle

hmmm good idea bruh

If your moral is not enough than you lose the battle

Thanks for it :) you guys are the best

Thx for update :))

thx for update

thx for update bruh :)

thx for update bruh :)

Thanks for update its sooooo good :)

Hope never dies

There is a mobile and a tablet version try tham I had sometimes problem with it too if none of tham do not want to be installed try to delete ravager installed apk (if you want to update) (+make a copy from your saves if you dont want to lose tham) or factory reset for your phone (its work sometimes but not important to do it) these things what worked for me.

(1 edit)

hmmm not bad bruh ;) am gonna wait for updates

You said you want to make a visual novel ,  how is it going? :)

(2 edits)

yea,  sad but true, 

but important I love the game :))

Jeez I cant wait to act 4, I want to get my  revenge,  and get back my queen :)

am looking it every day every hour

Jeez I cant wait for update :))

Valzira vs potency works? (Valzira is the witch at low  lands swamp)

When you start a New game bruh

yeeeeea updaaaaaateeeeee

Yeaaaaah thx for update

Still top 1 on my list :P

Yea update am HARD as hell

issa is futa or male?

"Long live to Ravager" 



I cant wait for another update :))

Am playing from the first public version and its even and even better with every update ;)

Yo are the best :))

Thx update bruh

Bruh what is the goal when yo want to done chap. 4?  The game is better and better, I just  want to know when we can kick that arrogant guys ass , and become king :)

Its a good idea bruh ;)

How i know charm need to say to her "I want to fuck you" or something like that 

Potency need to resist

Bruh i have 11 charm and still cant so i guess need more

What are the +/- next to the comments ?

Thx for update, thx for birthday present

Thanks the help men