its fine seems the problem fixed itself really. Great game BTW
Recent community posts
very nice game but when I tried to log back in to a save it didn't let me also since items dont have durability please add a feature to drop or delete items that are now lower grade to declutter the inventory and delete already made items from the crafting so you dont accidently craft when running from zombies
absolutely fantastic masterpiece such a fun little peaceful game with a unique concept literally blinked and then realised I had been played for 98 turns only one problem which was I started having to keep skipping turns towards the end to get any building projects I dunno maybe I was just very unlucky I mean I had to skip like 80 turns it was really annoying however from what I can tell no one else had this problem, I never got any new projects that I could actually finish till the point I was racking up money I had 700 gold and -70 influence I think my game was glitched or something still well worth playing a 10/10
Hey man saw this on Splattercat's video really neat and fun game I played until 27 wins.
I have a some recommendations for you if you'd like,
1.) firstly when you get to later levels there just isn't anything to do and a lot of the items are called epic names like the archer of the sun helmet but it isn't that good there needs to be more items that are far greater than anything else so you are excited to find them.
2.) to put briefly the archery sucks a lot, I had the best bow in the game and decked my guy out and he didn't do anything, they are too inaccurate and do too little damage for how often they shoot.
3.) there needs to be a sounds when you sell an item and when you click refresh and stuff like that also just ambient music the music sounds epic here but when it runs out it gets very quite when your just comparing items.
4.) sometimes your guys yeet an enemy really far away and you just waiting for them to get to one guy that is low on health even though you know you won its a bit annoying.
5.) lastly the UI needs major improvement e.g. dont show me stats that are unchanged by the item just adds clutter and use symbols for the stats, also the game is sometimes a little unresponsive you have to wait a bit to hover hover and get the stats dont know if that's the game or because the servers are a little stressed though.
anyways that's all of got for now good luck developing the game.