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A member registered Oct 03, 2023

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yeah, i think he should create a patreon, after all it's a hard work and hard work should be rewarded.

(1 edit)

I think it will be very difficult to pull this off, so I will not ask for it, but I will voice the idea, since it has been sitting in my head for a long time

Why doesn't Aubrey choose her body type at the beginning of the game: apple, pear or hourglass. 

Or her body will take shape depending on who she is more in contact with Beth or Jamie

edit: I understand perfectly well that with AI it is very difficult to implement, but you can dream

I'm a little confused, where do I get the ingredients for a sandwich? I went around everywhere, there is nothing like it anywhere and it is not possible to cook

Whoa, whoa, take it easy. A person has his own life and desires, moderate your ardor and never rush the authors of works, be able to appreciate their work and show respect. And if you adjust it like this every time, then first of all a person will not get high from creating his work and everything can go awry up to the abandonment of the game, etc. Calm down)

because of jerks like you, the authors of good works then abandon games, short stories, and so on. Ungrateful creature, take it and earn money! The whole community is ashamed of you, you jerk

The menu shows that the mc has 5/14 transformations available. After reaching a growth of 500, there is no further progress. Is it not going to be in the demo or am I missing something?

Will there be a free version? Some (who live in Russia) do not have the opportunity to replenish the patreon, and other sites