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A member registered May 16, 2016 · View creator page →

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very appreciated :)

love every second of it!

This game is brilliant. I'm a bit in love with it!

thanks a lot :)

I have ideas for another game, but also lots of other ideas and projects, but sooner or later I'll have another game done...

your sketches look pretty pretty. When I put down something quickly my sketches look rather sketchy...

Great update!

what's stopping devs from adding it?

Since Xitter is going down in flames I don't use it anymore and would really welcome the option to link to mastodon. Insta and tumblr are also good to have, maybe bluesky if they ever develop the app some more. maybe facebook, some people still use that...

nice one!

haha, this is cool!

which demo?

yes please?!

that's cool! I'll make sure to check out that demo then :)

interesting. Any chance for a linux version?

Fun idea for a game. A bit longer would have been cool!

any chance for a linux version?

and I see the watermarks :P

damned, I thought this is a release announcement. then it's the waiting game :P

these days you have no other way than to build that island of isolation yourself, and chill there to gather ideas and muse to build a game about and island in isolation :)

this is beautiful! 

But having something to do would make it a game :)

Mighty Impressive!

this is a fun game but getting very hard very quick! :)

that is a fun game!

i need a "shrink my ship" powerup! hitzone is too huge!

Thanks a lot!

Thanks for making a Linux version, the readme tells about the glitch and the script to run it, that is kinda convenient, except that you wrote the whole gamename into the script while the file is called differently, this does not work, it needs to call HWKWA_Linux_x86.x86... just wanted to say that before I forget it while playing... which I will do now :)

lots of games use ctrl+alt for jump+attack. some use z&x but I hate that because I have a qwertz keyboard, please stick to ctrl+alt or x&c or so. thanks :)

lol, came to the comments to say exactly this.

movement controls on the arrow keys and jump and attack for the left hand, maybe x&c would be better!

cool music too!

I think so, I haven't reimported that yet, just exported, but that is the way it is supposed to work for the geometry and texturemaps, you need the image texture too to see color.

on twitter for sure, but you mean here on itch?
let my just test what happens when I write @CaptainD then :)

sure will. I should mention everyone testing the game that has an itch acc and a twitter acc...

can you @ - mention folks on itch?


yes, please do. I should write another newspost that we are in beta stage now... or maybe tomorrow, beta still takes a while :)


you might find it in game or totally miss it, it is not the most important line in the game, but this line happened to be line 1000, and I like it...

wow, some hot stuff right there!

this was not in the MAGS game, this is an addition only found in this very deluxe game to set the stage for yet another additional puzzle. The whole mummyray machinery looks completely different now, and I like to think it looks better :)

cool idea and really well done! Love all the clouds!

good model and I like your humor! :)

really impressive, really well done!

cool idea and great execution!