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A member registered May 13, 2020 · View creator page →

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I thoroughly enjoyed playing through this fangame, paying great homage to its several source materials. It really was like playing act 1 all over again. Sadly it was over so quickly... hope that you'll find the courage and motivation to fully complete this game.

Some things I noted:

  • The power curve is much higher, especially for scrap cards. 5 scrap for a heavy seems like too cheap. Same for Pyro and Demo who are quite cheap for their overall damage output and extra health over Inscryption equivalents (Mantis and Mantis God). But I suppose that battles are currently ended too quickly for an 8 cost to matter due to the lack of terrain and thus an easy route to dealing 5 direct damage with Vortigaunts or even Tentacle (easily spawned with Scientist or Chumtoad)
  • There's not much to do standing up. I get the focus is on the card games, but I expected some cabinet puzzles and some useless interactable gadgets in both campaign areas, rather than the single Scientist card and (optional if you don't die) Life Lights in HL, and the uninteractive 2fort spawn room of TF2
  • Some encounters have a very strong hand. I suppose this is mainly for people not taking advantage of the scale and the items they get, but a Gonarch turn 2 or a Heavy turn 1 (with a Medic, and then another Heavy later) are a bit too much I think, especially if you take to nerfing some of the very powerful cards the player is able to get
  • Having the camera pan to the scale when any direct damage is dealt and then back again repeatedly for all cards dealing: it should sum up all the damage and then show you all at once once one's turn fully ends.
  • Some sigils sometimes doesn't work. I've had a Scout stay in place after attacking for some reason. Or a Pyro attacking only its opposing card.
  • There's no rulebook. This is mainly a problem for opponent cards as the enemy plays certain cards with unknown sigils (like Headcrab's kill-to-evolve) before you get them properly explained by a card choice. But I can always forget what certain sigils do after that...
  • Maybe limit the maximum amount of items one can get? (and thus there is a Pack Rat equivalent?) Mainly for practical reasons, because you're going to run out of table space eventually
  • Perhaps some card modification events could be added, would make the metagame more interesting than picking cards and getting items.
  • I know you know and it doesn't affect the current game too much because it's so short, but... the ability to save. If this eventually gets a Portal expansion as is teased at the end, then it'll really need it so the player doesn't have to start all the way back at the tutorial if they lose to two unfortunate encounters in a row in Portal.
(2 edits)

Both the player's equipment and the enemy's equipment is randomized. 

Note that that two enemies that share equipment (like Fireman and Marshmellow) will still share that equipment. Same goes for items the player can obtain (except shop, kinda. shop items have weird randomizer behavior)

it's now been fixed

yes, yes i did forget. how did tommy miss this?????

did i forget to make pipe is stop or something? what does this mean

Played to the end. I love it.

(1 edit)

Extra point 5 for level 5.

5. The red wall inverses controls mechanic feels unfun. There's no room to adjust yourself, the moment you go through the red wall there's a second red wall going right at you, and you accidentally go the opposite way you want to and die. The mechanic itself is cheap, too, unlike the perspective changes. Any game can be made harder by messing with the controls.

Addendum to 4. Instead of restarting at a hexagon on the 2D perspective, stay at the shape and perspective before the restart? That'd prevent confusion, while not giving you the thought that you're starting on square 1 again, you're just continuing from where you died.

Version used: Demo - v0.1.5.1

I like this game, it's a super well made spiritual successor to Super Hexagon, but it's a bit too hard. Emphasis on too. Here's some of my nitpicks.

1. There's a large gap between casual and hard. Casual is very slow, while hard is OH GAWDD for a good-ish hexagon player (such as myself). It's like putting a slowed down version of Pointless next to Second Dimension.

2. Setting preferred inversion controls bugs out when restarting. Say i set "inside" to inversed. I go to level 2, i die on the inside perspective, and get put on 2D normal mode when i restart. Bam, my 2D controls are reversed.

3. The level restarts go way too quickly. When you first start, you're given a short tutorial or warmup period which lets you get ready. But when you restart, it's riiiight back into the action with a wall directly going for your pointer. Can't even say "let's try again" without needing to move out of the way.

4. Restarting a level is confusing. Every time you restart a level, you go to a random shape and a random perspective. Highly confusing when combined with point 3 as you frantically dodge the triangle spir- dead. I'd want the level to start at hexagon and wait a short bit for me to get ready before throwing literally everything at me.

This is a really great game, despite the nitpicks that i had, and i keep trying and trying over and over. It's addicting!