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Trucker John

A member registered May 07, 2022 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Thanks for this. 

I have always been bad at puzzles. This mod helps me find things that I would easily miss. To me it's not a cheat, but a tool like you said.  You still have to put in effort to search.

Tried using it with Brutal Doom 20, and it doesn't come up with any weapon keys.

Is there a way to have it used from the inventory instead?

Do you have any screen shots? Thanks

I echo the previous comment, a bit to hard for the player to stay alive. Takes 3 shots to kill the enemy but just 1 to kill the player.

Not enough ammo in the beginning fights.

Otherwise very nicely made.

Mr. Christopher, how were you able to get the dark in game ambience, seeing there is no lighting settings anywhere that I could see. Thanks

Hi Jonathan,  I'm not a game developer or artist, just a retired trucker. I have been interested in game making for years though when I discovered  FPSC . In making your enemy sprites in Aseprite are you using a mouse or stylus to draw with?

I have 0 drawing skills other than stick figures.

I am having lot's of fun though with RGM using Photoshop to cut out images that I download.

I look at games like Templar and am amazed how well done they are.

Thanks for your tutorial. 

Great game! Appreciate your hard work.

Thanks for this!

Thanks, well done.

Thanks for this course on Raycasting!  Well done.

(1 edit)

I just had to reply. Hey, what's the matter with you? How about some appreciation that you are downloading a free game, that took countless hours to make. It seems like you don't know how to run a game, because they don't run on a browser anyway.

Try and show some respect.


You make some really nice games on old FPSC, which IMO  is a very underrated game engine.

I have been tinkering with FPSC for 16 years, and still love using it.

Thanks for the games.

TY for sharing your games.

Thanks for sharing.

FPSC love it or hate it. I personally love it, been tinkering making amateur games for years. I do it as a hobby is all, but love how easy, and fast you can put a game together. This game engine has a kind of charm to it.

Mike, I'm sorry to say it won't  run on my Dell.

Not because of the game, it is that the laptop has outdated  integrated Intel 4000  graphics.

If you have a chance give a look to my game, Derelick Labs . It is a 4 level FPSC  game I put together last year.

Take care friend.

Thanks Mike, am downloading now, and look forward to playing it.

Great game, anxiously waiting for the final version.

The game will not launch, Error


Fatal Error


Error reading application id. Please either write it to steam_appid.txt or use the launcher!




I do not run Steam on my PC
