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A member registered Mar 29, 2019

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(1 edit)

Loving the game so far. Feels like the mechanics are catching up to the amazing story and presentation as the prison opens up for exploration. The pacing feels tight and exciting, love the weird side-mysteries that add to the unease of the setting (can't wait to continue the morse quest).  Oh, also, was very surprised by the animation with the parole officer.

Can't wait to see where this goes!

Lubrificanus community · Created a new topic LOVED IT

The game is so good!  Can{t wait for more! Hopefully we see more of Buffalo lol but I loved everything about this game!

(1 edit)

Hi, I'm about to start this game since I loved VENAITURA, is this game gonna get updated sometime in the future? I'd love to follow more of your projects and I LOVE how you handle class-systems! Big fan here lol

Wow, I just played it and i gotta say I'm amazed at the quality of the game, ngl I started playing the game because of the NSFW scenes but the plot absolutely floored me, going back and seeing how different scenes play out depending on what you do (especially with Dr. Kent!) has me so intrigued to see what comes next! Love this so much!!

Love the update!!

Lovely game! Cant wait for more!! :)

I definitely guffawed ungraciousy.

I loved this Can't wait for more!!

So far, loving it! Question though, is there a way to change the character's looks (hairstyle, etc)  at creation without having to randomize it?
