is this thrust newtonian??
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An assortment of vehicles and setup options to be used in small arenas for the purpose of practicing navigational skills with 6axis thrust.
using a placer mode,, fly a vehicle that defies physics to place objects, plan out course-orders, and quickly cruise the area to be confident in your build.
dock to weights with all vehicles , land on them as the lander, dock to them as the drone, or dock to them, and then dock the freight to bays with the loader. Practice driving with a lopsided center of weight as all thrust comes from the vehicle, and none of it comes from the weights. dock to dockports and landing pads as well,, all can be used as part of the race.
Get used to plenty of camera options including 2 player placeable cameras that are static in the environment and can be moved in placer-mode, or panned and zoomed while selected to the view.
place everything from hoops to large rocks, allowing for a reasonable variety of scenery.
configure nearly any joystick set or gamepad on the market! The games input is powered by "rewired" which allows for easy implementation of advanced user interface.
I apologize to the faint of heart,, the game is like a playground ,, but provides plenty of challenge to overcome! If you find yourself disoriented try one of the smaller, basic arenas to keep your environment under control!!
If you are skilled with electronics and are curious about my personal favorite controller,,, check out instructions on how to build your own here!
Ace Racers SP by tsmspace (
part of my inspiration was how lunar flight didn't have the camera options I wanted. Of course I started to just make the space drone but later decided to add the lunar style vehicle and was very happy I did. I loved lunar flight but always wanted some more hull-mounted cams. (and of course, to be able to create more environment to fly around,, more obstacles and such)
The game is less a "racing" game and more a "navigation playground" game, where the objective presently does not include time trials. I do hope to include these racing features in the future but the primary focus of the present game is to place obstacles, make a course or arena, and then fly around it.
LATEST UPDATE includes the ability to set the thrust and torque thrust values in the pause menu for each preset power level. Also, the player can use a toggle to half/double rotation (which may be desirable when docking or towing a weight, it's all up to the player which performance level they want to simulate that moment)
other recent features include dockports, dockable weights, and dockable weight bays. Players can also include these as checkpoints.
The checkpoint system allows the player to save one "course order" per savename. To create a checkpoint order, the player turns on "build race" mode, which will erase any existing course order (so make sure to save one if you want to keep it, before trying another) and reset the "total hoops in race" to 0. Then the player flies the warpship through each hoop in order. If they wish to add a dockport as a "hoop",, they move up to it, and when prompted press the dock button. If they want to add a dockable weight,, first the add the weight just as they do a normal dockport,, then they connect to it just as they would a hoop that they wish to move, and move through all of the hoops they wish to require a weight while it is connected. Then they can add it to a weight-bay and leave it there,, because when they press reset, all dockable weights will return to the position they were spawned in. (This does, however, unfortunately mean they must be sure to spawn the weight right where they want it,, if they want to reposition a weight, they will need to respawn a new one, so be sure you are happy with a weights placement before building the race!
In "race" mode,, the checkpoints will light up in order. As you pass through each one the next one lights up.
the save system is built from within each level,, so you can only load saves to that level from the pause menu of that level.
to share your course builds,, you can actually just go find the file in your appdata folder, and share it. Every time you run the pause menu, the game will find all of the right files in the right folder so all you have to do to play someone elses build is put the file in the right levels folder.
to place objects and hoops,, use spaysmode and cycle through the placeable objects ,, place them as desired and save. There are hoops as well as some other basic shape objects to create obstructions.
The game includes a space vehicle, with zero gravity,, and a lunar style vehicle, with lunar gravity. The warpships cannot be used in racemode but are excellent for getting around your area quickly to help organize your object placements!
thank you! Well, there are so many games that do something similar except they try to make the controls easier instead of keeping the physics, I searched high and low for years before finally deciding there was no other way to have the game I wanted without making it myself. If you use good joysticks for the inputs, it's a whole lot easier, as they let you have smaller inputs more easily. Similar to quadcopter simulators, this is built for those who have high resolution controls. , then again, the best lunar lander pilot I've ever seen a video of was all keyboard so I defaulted to that in the game.
My game is best played downloaded and after the player configures their favorite controls. If you just play the browser version, press z to ensure you are first in LO , as the keyboard is hard to fly with at higher rates.
You can fly a zero-G space drone, or a low-G lander style drone. I would like to see this become an IRL sport!
Newtonian 6axis thrust physics , in an FPV style package.
a gamepad is supported (press backspace to config) and if you know how to get the browser to read your joystick that will work too. For best results, download the windows exe. Otherwise keyboard is default, just set it to "lo" until you get your skills up.