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A member registered Sep 05, 2021 · View creator page →

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I will contact Fabry Amiga Vault, because he created the WHDLoad version. Try running the regular version of LhA/ADF from under the system and let me know if it also causes errors, as it will be relevant whether the error lies with the WHDLoad version itself, or if I made a mistake somewhere. I don't own a TF1260, so I have no way to test, but thanks for the information.

If you want to update version send me an e-mail message to tukinem@ì But I tell you right away that this fix is just ajustment of one line of text when displaying the game plot :-)

Hey. Thank you for purchasing the physical version of the game. The WHDLoad version is just a demo version and is available here for free without having to log in to FB. After purchasing the physical version from the store, you should receive the digital version in ADF files to your email. Yes, there was a small update here, but practically it was a small insignificant fix. Light cosmetics of appearance not affecting gameplay.

Thank you for choosing this game for your “Gameplay of New Amiga Games from January 2025” video. 

Greetings :)

Testing the map is done 'manually' as in the original. After creating a map in the editor, we select 'TEST' and if we pass the map we created, the editor then asks us if we want to save it. If we confirm at this point, the map can be used in tournament/single play. If we manually select to save the map, it will save, but we won't be able to play it until we test it. This was the case in the original version.

Yes. You can copy files from ADF to HDD and play game.

Well, yes, because the game is a 2-disk version. It can only be purchased at the “normal” price at the Retronics store.


The game references both Robbo from Atari and the first part of Amirobbo, which some people don't like. The first 10 levels feature levels and refined graphics from Robbo from Atari XL. The next 10 levels are levels from the first part of Amirobbo along with graphics of that game. Only from the 21st level do the “new worlds” begin. I'm glad you like the game. I wish you a lot of fun :)

I'm glad you like the game. I don't see the point of the WHDLoad version, because you can just copy this game to HDD and run natively.

Tylko jedna wersja jest. To tylko linki do grupy Amiga Vault, która stworzyła wersję WHDLoad. Linki do samej gry są tam, gdzie jest Download.

Dziękuję za nagranie gameplay'u pełnej wersji oraz zaprezentowanie wykorzystania paczki DLC w trybie Custom World :-)

Thank you for your positive feedback :-)

Unfortunately, the lack of music in the game is due to the limitation of 512 kB RAM chip. If I were to introduce music during the game, the minimum requirements would automatically increase.

I encourage you to play the full version, which has 50 other levels in the story mode, and additionally DLC packs will be created for the game. There is also a DLC Maker written, in which everyone will be able to create their own 20 levels as a DLC pack with their own graphics and their own sounds in the game :-) The premiere of the full version will be on Christmas.

Nice game, but in minimum requirements should be 512 kB of Chip RAM (not MB) ;)

Thank you very much for the gameplay recording :-)

I wonder why the game has no interest. Maybe the advertising is too weak... Maybe the information about the game has not reached more people...

Electroman is an improved version of the Polish game Electrobody written for the American market, but it probably did not gain popularity there.

Here is one unboxing video:

Thanks for video :-)

Thanks for record video with my game :-)

Thanks :-)

Thanks :-)

The editor loads the graphics with the tileset, creates graphic files for the game and we can create 20 maps in the editor. Then in the game we select CUSTOM WORLD and any file from the directory with the package. Thanks to this we have an additional 20 levels in different graphics and with different sounds.

A full version isn't yet finished.

Cieszę się, że gra się podoba :-)

No. Only boxed version.

I can't coding C64.

Thanks, but game's status is work in progress yet :)

There is a simple way to run the game on any configuration. Try fiddling around while the game is loading :) I don't want to give away any details here. No parameters are needed, just press one key on the keyboard...

I can add a .lha version. This isn't a problem.

I didn't think about Aminet. That might be a problem due to the fact that the game is simply written specifically for haters who always claim that the game should be optimized and run on lower configurations.

Dziękuję za nagranie gameplay'u :)

Thank you, but this is not necessary. The game will run without problems on any Amiga system with 68k architecture and there is no need to create a WHDLoad version. 


Thanks. On store's site are pictures of box art. Here:

Ami H.E.R.O. [Amiga- Dyskietka/Wersja Cyfrowa] (

I asked the publisher and it should appear on the store's website tomorrow

The frog, or rather a moth, was supposed to move in jumps. You can predict its movement because it always moves diagonally. It bounces off walls and magma, returning in the other direction, and so on :)

Ami-H.E.R.O. or Ami H.E.R.O. because H.E.R.O. is not a word, but "Helicopter Emergency Rescue Operation".


This game was written in Blitz Basic 2.

On this site game should be for sale.


Thanks for gameplay's video :)

Now I checked it and I remembered :) If the guy jumps up and down in the start screen, hold down FIRE until it starts loading level 1. This is about the moment when he falls and lands after a jump.