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A member registered Apr 21, 2021

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Thanks Ephe! Yes, the first part needs a bit of info maybe, seems not evident. But we will keep developing this game, don't worry :P <3

I think it has been the hardest jam and the one I have worked the hardest of all, exhausting but very happy with the result. Thanks for the feedback!

Check the page for more info!

Check The Infinite Dungeon's page for more info :)

Or maybe you say Mineral Key Card? That one is a random drop inside chests...

To open some doors you need Access KeyCards, you can find it in the shop, in the spaceship (a central place with robots in the middle).

Thanks Bladerunner!

Thanks a lot Larris. Soon we will add more things :)

Thanks a lot Splogs, glad you liked it <3 In the first update there will be more places to go, more stuff to find, more dangers, fixes... XD

The computer from inside is sooo real XD A little bit hard to climb inside there but the ambience is really cool.

Really cool game. Puzzles are a little bit difficult but they are great.

Oh and laser drill is for mining. There are some tunnels in Worm Coral zone and some mineral veins inside

Thank you very much Daystiny. We wanted to expanded more but we had not that much time XD We have already an incoming update with fixes of a huge bug that increased a lot the FPS in Epic in some PCs, but can't update and improve it until end of votation.  We will add like "dungeons/labs" with more dangers and the idea is making as big as Ruins of Mahoora. Thanks for the feedback :)