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A member registered Jul 06, 2021

Recent community posts

Not sure if anyone has pointed this out yet, but on Android, the characters are invisible when you try to inflate them (this is on the latest Patreon build by the way) I'm assuming it has something to do with the Live2D models

your main problem is a 750 ti

I was able to run it fine on a 3070 ti, someone else said it runs on a 3060. Maybe your PC is just trash, that's not the developer's fault.

Why did you start another game when Bellyful Life isn't done yet? Seems strange to fill your catalog with a dozen unfinished games, especially when the mechanics in this game could've been integrated with Bellyful

maybe because you're using a 3050 ti

You can't leave the store after buying anything, it basically bugs out the phone and comes close to the screen 

"just" 1.1 implies that it is a complete game and it's past Alpha and Beta stages. So for a supposedly  complete game it's lacking in content and quality 

how does modify save work? I tried editing a value and clicking load and it didn't work

Yeah it wouldn't be of much concern if he hadn't missed the set date by 3 months and then only give an update every two weeks or so

Their inflation interest has not been implemented

In the future you should just not give a set date for release, and simply release it when the update's ready. Or maybe say, within the next few months or something like that. 

He was joking about that, but yeah people need to let him do his thing

nah he's down bad

Uhhhh.... slow down bro

Or you could just let him work at his pace and release when he feels comfortable..