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A member registered Aug 29, 2022 · View creator page →

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it can be hard to make downloadable games for chromebook, however there is a web version, its not exactky teh same as download but yeah

there is a web version, its not the same as teh game but it works!

theres a fix!! the converter ( ) you need to press the convert some times, i hopw it works!!

im on the web, maybe thats why

Is that a thing? i havent seen those thing..

my friend wasnt able to do it even though pressing many times, maybe try one more time? what dveice do u have

Wait theres a df?? or is that download only (i use web)

(1 edit) here! press the convert soem times to be sure

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EDIT: i figured it out! someone posted the convert link, and it works now! ty for ur help

Im on chrome i think, i really dont know browsers well sadly, i cant change browsers since my chromebook is controlled by my school :( is there any othe way to fix w/o disc or? sorry if my text is confusinf

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EDIT: it works for me now

it does work with the web ver, well before it did, its broken for me now

does anyone know how to fix the web ver? im on chromebook and had saved lasttime i played, but now its just black ang grey, i saw some other are having probs but theres a sollution on the discord, but i dont have discord idk what to do?

you've gotta be patient, working on games is hard and ppl who make games have lives too, maybe if were lucky it will be soon!! but we must also be patient


that would be cool, but maybe like its more known who murdered them? since trying to find a new scar can be hard

its not m,eant for mobile, but some ppl have manage dtio use the web, BUT ITS BUGGY!! so be careful

i know you i think.....

that would be cool!! but would take some long time to deisgn code and develop, but maybe in the future!!

this game isnt meant for mobile devices, but you can try web!! however its very buggy

ive gotten lost taisl to reappear without killing them, idk why lol

i think they where like talking abt the misspelling of 'Chrome' so it may not release

what device are you on? it may be a reason

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WAIT (edit: its a good diea)

its meant to work sinc ethey have mac download

this happened to my friend too, they cant acess theircats on web ver

it doesnt sadly i think

yeah that sounds good!! it would be good for ppl who are s cared of losing their cats

what computer do u have??

yeah, i dont think its annoying as its kinda good for stories and makes ur cats more unique, however i get a glitch where teh tail reappears after some moons.

what device are u on?? since if youære not on one of the devices mentione don the downloads, then u need web ver

that isnt how real cat tails work, only ambphibians and some types of reptiles can regrow their tail after losing it, however cats cant do that, if eveyrthing was rippe doff t would stay tailess

im kinda having that problem, but its only with cut off tails, they reappear on a cat after some moons for some reason

here is is!! but its pretty buggy and stuff so be careful!!

when i use web ver, i repeatedly press some times (like 3) and wait, and if im patioent it loads,and yeah the web version is pretty buggy and stuff so ye

depends on ur device, if mobile you cant, if chromebook theres the web ver, if mac  or windows use one of teh downloads (the one ur using) idk how exaclt u do the downloads (im chromebook) so yeah

i have no idea about tech but i dont think thats how a file works????????

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im pretty sure kittypets dont bring kits because well, not many humans have cats with kittens and who would let them outside??? i think its  alittle less than 50/50, since ive gotten rogues/loners with kits only like 3 times

edit: got one more loner with kits lol

aaw man, its ok for me atleast since my other one died

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here is one with the new update i think!!! edit: you hav eto click the screen then wiat for a bit, its buggy and frezes alot so you gotta save!!!

there is the web ver tho!! i dont know how many ppl know it i also sent the link under one of urs comments

here is the link!! you gotta tap some times and wait, and after some bit it loads!!!