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A member registered Jun 15, 2019 · View creator page →

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Hello! Sorry for the late reply. Yes the game is still being worked on, though I do operate on ADHD time. 😁 All the recent events tactical ttrpg world have lit a fire in me to get the next update out soon, and it will be a big one!

Hi! Monster creation guidelines will be added in the next update, v1.21, coming very soon! There will also be a few more monsters added  

Hi Morgan! Thanks for asking- peasants can do both of those things! The new versions mentions maneuvers but fails to specify the opportunity attacks, so thanks for bringing that to my attention!

Thanks for asking and for checking out the game! :) To use an action, you must be wielding an implement with a matching keyword. So Melee/Conjury actions could be used as either a melee action with a melee weapon, or a conjury action with a conjury weapon. To improve clarity, the language is being revised in the next version to "Melee or Conjury."

Thanks for asking! It's a turn-based combat system, you have a pool of d10s that you spend to perform different actions on your turn, and you can also bank them to perform reactions in response to triggers outside your turn (like shielding yourself from an attack). There are rules for taking cover, area-of-effect attacks... the usual for tactical combat. And the combat takes place on a hex grid.

The game has complete rules for skirmish combat, that is, ground combat between small groups of characters. It has a less fleshed out ruleset for starship battles based on the same system as ground combat, and starship battles also use a hex grid. Hope that clears things up! 

Thank you! There's still a long way to go, but I'm getting lots of great feedback.

i get what you mean- the PDFs are bookmarked if that helps at all!

thank you so much! maybe you can homebrew your own initiative system. it would be a little tricky, because the structure of the combat round ties into a couple other systems, like Peril, but I bet you could make it work. If you do, I'd love to see it!

Thanks for giving it a look- yeah VTT is something I have no experience with, but I'm eager to learn, it seems like a must for a game like this!

(2 edits)

Hi all, the free playtest version of my rules-medium tactical TTRPG is out!

Trespasser is a game about peasants-turned-adventurers carving out safe refuge amid the long collapse of their dying world. Designed for player-driven, sandbox-style campaigns of survival and dungeon crawling, Trespasser borrows themes of early tabletop and pairs them with a robust tactical combat system inspired by 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons. If you admire the principles of old school gaming but also enjoy picking character options and pushing miniatures around a grid, Trespasser might be for you.

Trespasser: Dark Fantasy Tactics