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A member registered May 05, 2020

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Even better, it's likely coming out this July, so!

Oh yeah, you have ending A and B where it's both the same event except the imformation you're given is different in each. One being how beautiful your life will be with Amicus, and the other being what you're exactly supposed to do on Earth.

And then you have THAT ending where you just die and float in space forever, waiting for Amicus. Aimlessly.


I mean, up to interpretation but I guess you can say there are 3 endings, even though one just happens because you fucked up big time and the Parents are like "Oh well, thanks for trying, you can just sit in this void forever."

Isn't there also the one that's like "Will you give yourself to the benevolent of the Parents?"

Yeah the choices are quite straight-forward! Follow the Parents you get Ending A, disobey the Parents you get Ending B.

So we have Adastra, next up is Khemia... What's next, Omorfa? :D

You've taught me something new today.

They have it tho

Apparently, that response from the Parents actually changes depending on how you answer a question earlier into the game :0