If that's how you took what I said, you're a fool. I wasn't justifying the Russians. I was just breaking down ray.mints narrative, and I barely scratched the surface of what the US did and is still doing since that time because I didn't want an utterly ridiculous text wall no one was going to read. At the end, I clearly said point out Russian atrocities. I justified nothing. You just don't have good reading comprehension. Both side are bad in that war, but most will take a brainwashed position of one side or the other being good. It's just sad.
Recent community posts
The US invasion and occupation of Iraq have upper estimates of over 1 million dead, which is likely accurate. That's just one US war. It is the dominate superpower involved in conflict globally.
People forget the US drone strikes in Afghanistan and Pakistan. They literally would drone strike weddings. Drones were often set to 60% certainty, meaning they would strike targets which 40% of the time weren't the person they were looking to kill.
Among US allies, I would point to Turkey (a NATO member), which invaded and occupied half of Cyprus (an EU member) in the 1970s, and maintains that occupation today.
When it comes to Ukraine, German former Chancellor Merkel has opened admitted the Minsk Agreements were a scam, a fraud, meant to buy time to build up and arm Ukraine for a war with Russia. The US and its allies never genuinely tried to find a peaceful solution. They wanted a war in Ukraine to bleed and weaken Russia, and it is Ukrainians who suffer to this end. Meanwhile, German, Russian, and American arms manufacturers have been greatly enriched by the war, and it has been used as a test bed for new weapons on both sides.
So sure, point out Russian atrocities, but don't act like the other side is any better. Honestly, when I have the money, I'm gonna go ahead and buy this game just because of stupid crap like this. No dev deserves to be punished for the actions of their government.
I just want to post a solution for people who may be having a problem launching the game. I'm on Windows 7. If you're not on Windows 10, you may be having this problem.
Basically it will tell you that the game can't find api-ms-win-downlevel-kernel32-l2-1-0.dll. This is apparently a common issue for some games downloaded from Epic Games. I'm guessing it has to do with Unreal Engine.
The solution is simple. Look in /Windows/System32/CompatTel and copy api-ms-win-downlevel-kernel32-l2-1-0.dll (it should be there). Paste the .dll in MonolithBay\Binaries\Win64
After that, the game launched for me. Looking forward to trying it out.
I tried posting a comment yesterday, but I think it got axed when I closed the browser after my brother walked into the room.
I just wanted to say your character designs are pretty much the best on itch, and I will probably support this game just to get the Koikatsu character cards. I want to do Maya and Yumi already, damn it (and not in a room full of clocks (okay, maybe in a room full of clocks given the higher tier...))!
Your game really makes me want to break into creating content like this at some point. I'm quite the card creator myself, but I just don't usually have the time for it or the privacy to do a project like this.
This is not a complaint. This is just info for people having issues on Android.
Just note folks, this is a real problem on some phones. I have problems all the time installing this game on my phone. I always have to uninstall the old version (and lose all my save games). And I have had it crash my phone before after attempting to install it multiple times (and all my space being taken up as a result).
Basically, you need to make sure you have well in excess of free space than what the game requires. This is not the game's fault whatsoever. I recommend having at least 7.5 GB of free space before installing the game. I've installed it on less with mixed results.
EDIT: If it still won't install with that much space, try restarting your phone. After restarting, do nothing else other than downloading the file and installing it. This happened to me yesterday, and doing the above worked.
Note that I am using a Galaxy S7. The animations lag like crazy on it. This game is probably best run on newer phones with good hardware specs.
I'm going to try out the PC version soon. I've been playing the phone version for the obvious privacy benefits. I love this game, by the way. It's the best on itch, imo.