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A member registered Apr 20, 2016 · View creator page →

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Thank you! I'm glad you liked it :-)

Brilliant ! Thanks for this great tool ^_^

OK il faut d'abord presser M pour que ça fonctionne.
Press M first if you get no sound :-)

Humm ça ne marche pas chez moi, j'ai essayé sur Firefox, Chrome, Edge et même Vivaldi... L'éditeur non plus ne produit aucun son et l'oscillateur reste tout plat :-/ Il y a juste les couleurs qui changent.

Oh thank you so much for unearthing this hidden gem! It reminds me of my youth ^_^

Super cute and fun to play, though a bit too easy. I've done all 14 levels ! You're close to having a game for sale here ^_^

I liked the simplicity and effectiveness of your game.

Super nice ! It reminded me of this game I loved so much when I was a kid : Roger Rabbit in Hare Raising Havoc ^_^

Had a blast too watching you play :-)

You dit it ! Kudos !

Thanks ! ^_^

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Loved it !
Art and music are great but it was hard to get a grip on it at first. I almost dropped the game at the first music, I think it may be the hardest one but I'm glad I persevered.
Thanks for this very charming game ^_^

Then I look forward to playing one of your games someday. I hope you are safe and wish you all the best!

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Thanks Kelanael ! Although I'm French I haven't yet read la Princesse de Clèves. I'm putting it on my toread list :-)

Kudos to you !

Merci à toi Obeqaen ^_^

Thanks BananaQueen ^_^

I haven't played Florence yet and i didn't know about it when i made this game but i heard really good things about Florence, so thanks a lot Ilya !

Thanks for your playthrough TophuNugget! I really liked your insight on my game and your comments were really top notch XD I'll tell Diego you'd like to meet him ;-)

Thanks for your kinds words, faithful CaitlinTheCat ! Glad you liked it ^_^

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There are 3 possible endings

Thanks OK_boom ^_^ I played your game again, I really like this thief simulation but it's quite hard not to get caught. I haven't managed yet to have enough money and no fines to get my watch back. But I'll keep trying !

Bravo ! I love it !! But i quit the game twice pressing escape by mistake.. I'll definitely try again :-)

Thanks so much Alex, I'm super glad you were able to relate to my game and that it brought you some comfort (and thanks for your donation!)

Bravo Tom !!

Whouaa merci Hypesio ! Et pour ton retour enthousiaste et pour ta donation. Trop sympa ! Je vais aller tester tes jeux et lire tes articles :-)

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Pas facile de répondre à cette question. Entre le début et la fin il s'est passé un an mais je n'étais pas dessus à temps plein.
Mis bout à bout j'imagine que j'y ais bien passé 3 voire 4 mois... Si tu veux échanger plus tu peux m'écrire ici tweedldim[at]

Hi Madwolf, glad you liked my game and thanks for your offer but i prefer you don't port it to the PS Vita. It's not even designed to be played on a smallscreen.

Thanks a lot for your video and your comment Nick ! You did the voices very well, even the Bear ;-)

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Glad you liked :-) Actually you're right, I should tag this as a serious game, even if it's also a comedy. Thanks for your feedback !

Merci beaucoup Rollogonde! Je viens de jouer à ton jeu - very kinky ;b mais l'aventure s'est mal terminée pour moi, vite un deuxième run !

Thanks for playing and for your kind words rollandd ^_^

Thanks Fleurie for your sweet comment ^_^

Hi Ony_br ^_^ Thanks for your kind proposal but text is hardcoded and I don't plan to update this game anymore.

Thanks Utahana ! Indeed it's not that easy. The complexity of balancing a game :-)

Thanks Jackson :-) Have a blast ^ ^

Thanks to you Damoch for playing !

Thank you so much Kelvets :-) I'm really happy you liked the game and the spirit it conveys. And it's great you played it with your girlfriend. I wish you both lots of free love !!

Here you go HughCarroll :-) The licence for the music is CC-BY-NC-ND

Bravo !!!