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A member registered Jun 28, 2016

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Hello again and thanks for the reply.

I intend to use it to generate semi-realistic maps and terrain for D&D, but I have no experience with generating terrain outside of playing with Terragen and PerfectWorldDF in the past.

I want to derive a region's biome from a combination of elevation, overall 'steepness' of the terrain, how wet a region is would be determined by a drainage map, temperature map, and a precipitation & rain shadow map. The effects of erosion would also be affected by how deep the soil layer goes before it hits rock.

But for now, I need to figure out the basic step of converting an icosphere to a hexagon (+12 pentagon) sphere and mapping a seamless noise map to it, I saw your video on creating the hex sphere, but I have little to no idea on how to implement it in either UE5, Godot, or Blender. I'm leaning more towards using one of the 2 game engines for the simulation aspects of it.

I was wondering if you have any suggestions on how to get started with procedural world generation, even if it's something as relatively basic as mapping a generated heightmap onto an icosphere.