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A member registered Apr 09, 2022 · View creator page →

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Looking forward to future releases. Keep up the great work!

This was so much fun! It wouldn't load for me in the app, but worked just fine in the browser (Chrome). I would love to see more variety of enemies, but the pixel art is so pretty! Also, maybe give the player the option to plant specific plants instead of all three? I found the blue plants to be helpful until I added the push perk and then it got me in some back situations so being able to plant that in specific scenarios would've helped, but that might just be me. Regardless, I spent 10 minutes playing and definitely see myself coming back to kill more time (and corrupted baddies). Thank you for you work on this!

Interesting. I'll take a look and see if I can't figure out why. Thanks again!

Thank you for playing and for the feedback! Do you know if it was the changing to fullscreen that seemed to have paused it?

This was a ton of fun to play! Music reminds me of Megaman and I found it just challenging enough to balance your energy usage with the flash light/booster in the dark areas. Great job team!

(1 edit)

Hey there! We've rounded out our team, but I see a few others in the discord still looking as well. Good luck friend!

Love your art btw! 

Hello all! I posted in the Discord as well, but I'm look for a team to participate in this Jam. I've been learning Unity and C# for just under two years now and would like to experience working as part of a small team. Looking for 2-3 people to join up with to have some fun. Let me know if interested. Thanks!

Thank you! I need to add some kind of bonus for catching and eating the bugs like a speed boost or something, but I didn't want to spend too much time on the project. Feels good to just get an idea out of your head every once in a while lol

Cute little story. Made me reminisce about old conversations with people I haven't spoken to in over a decade. I think Mia's selective text should be moved over to her side when it pops up, but everything else is excellent. Great job!

Thank you :)

Uploaded a new build. You should be able to use the slider to adjust sensitivity now. The slider pops up after you select mouse control. Thanks again for the feedback. It was nice to revisit this and make it work. 

Thanks for the play and the feedback! I'm up for the challenge. Are you referring to the mouse control or A/D (arrow) sensitivity?

Enjoyed this very much! Absolutely love the music and sfx!

What does the message "Here they come!" signify? Extra influx of baddies?

Unable to play as it's giving the compression error. You might need to disable compression in project settings and rebuild.

Hello again friend! I've updated the game with the mouse control option. Just click the toggle on the title screen to enable. You might have to raise or lower your mouse sensitivity, but I think I got it right. Let me know what you think and I'd also love to know what your highest score is!

Thanks for playing!

I'm working on adding it in currently. I'll respond here once I've updated the game :D

So instead of using the arrow keys or A/D, scroll the mouse left and right to move the monster?