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A member registered Feb 28, 2020 · View creator page →

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We need a level designer, and it would be great if the people involved where in the same time zone. Best of luck!

I decided not to do this, thanks though!

Giving this more consideration, this will probably be hard to execute since we're probably in different time zones. I think I'll just scratch this. Thanks for showing interest though, I do appreciate it! Best of luck!

Hello, thanks for replying. Well, since you're the only person that showed interest in this, that would probably make you the level designer? I know you said you're a programmer, but I would be using Flare Engine for the game mechanics, and I would probably buy some pixel art from penusbmic from his dark series (here on to use for the game. The game jam I had in mind was this one:

Let me know your thoughts. I'm always working on side projects, so don't feel like you have to do this if this is not what you are looking for. Kind regards.

Hello there. Thanks for replying, but I had a 2d platformer in mind. I've never made a septagon game before and that is beyond my reach right now. Best of luck.

The sprite editor should be able to adjust this to your liking. Or what exactly are you trying to do?

(2 edits)

Hi, guys. I am a programmer working in Unity. I am looking for anyone who is willing to  work on any game jam here on itch. I'm not too particular on anything, but I did want to create a metroidvania for one of the game jams. I'm willing to work with anyone, even if your skills are still developing or new; the important thing is that we can finish the game, have some fun, and learn a thing or two. If you are an artists, creating assets as fast as possible would be a requirement. More than anything, it would be really important to find a level designer. If you are interested, please let me know. 

Hey, that was fun. That dragon killed me a whole bunch!

I want to support developers when I can. So I paid for this. Good luck in your future projects!

hello, what is the recommended price?

(2 edits)

Very nice for your first game. Died a bunch of times! Good stuf.

If you have Flare, you should jump on the Discord. The blood uses a couple of shaders that come with Flare. I can help you to set them up better on Discord. Sorry for the late reply, I've been sick all this month.

Very nice visuals and animations!

I did use unity's tilemap system to create this, but you don't need tiles to work with Flare. Thanks for the question!

That's interesting! Good for you! I'm in a situation, well I guess a lot of Unity devs are, in which I have to think about this sort of thing. How did you deal with MonoBehaviours?? How did you abstract that away? I mean, this sounds like a nice idea, but at the same time, adding another level of abstraction could potentially slow down a game? Well I suppose it wouldn't be noticeable. Interesting stuff though!

(3 edits)

Hey there, thanks for reaching out. Unfortunately this project is not included with Flare as the assets for this project do not belong to me, and even then, the file size would be too big to ship with Flare. However, if you want to recreate something similar, I can always guide you in the right direction. Also there are demo scenes to play with. Feel free to ask mores questions at the Flare Discord.


Hello there.

 I am currently involved in a portfolio project with an artist and a musician to showcase our skills.

 The game is a 2D platformer. This  is for fun, learning, and to add something to our portfolio page. If you are a level designer who is looking to practice and want to jump in, let me know! 

We've already made progress on level 1 and have created the main player and some enemies, but we do need help putting everything together. The plan is to create a total of four levels and be done as quickly as possible. So please, only reply if you have the time for such a project.

Here is a rough version of what we have:

Reach me here or on Discord: twobitmachines#0802

Hello there. Okay, I played your demo.

First and foremost, what a beautiful game! The art and setup is truly amazing. The amount of time it took to make all those game assets must've been an eternity. The whole thing is oozing with creativity. Really nice job.

So alright, these are technical things I noticed as I played.

The opening scene had some lag. Not sure if it's my computer running slow, or if there are too many things initializing during scene start. 

This is my first time playing this kind of game, so I was unsure if I the main character was suppose to move with me, and I was a bit stuck in the beginning because of this. Also, I wasn't too sure what I was suppose to do, so I came back here to read more about the game to figure it out.

I think it would be beneficial to add edge scrolling, so when the mouse is near the edge of the  screen, the camera will automatically move in that direction. 

Also, it might be useful to maybe add more hints for some of the items. It was difficult, and that was a good thing overall! Maybe you can also have smaller maps to start out and then gradually increase there size and difficulty.

Those were my thoughts as I played the game. Good luck!

Hey there. You can contact me here in discord: twobitmachines#0802

Hey contact me in discord: twobitmachines#0802

(1 edit)

I'm very interested in this. I actually made a post today looking for an artist. I'm trying to make a fun project for experience, and the main goal is to actually finish it and have a short development cycle.  The idea is to keep the project light! We can definitely do a revshare once it's published!

This is my original post

(1 edit)

Hello there.

I want to create a 2D platformer to gain experience by actually seeing a project to the end. This is about experience and having a project to showcase our skills. And as such, the goal for this project is simple: develop a straight forward game within a couple of months and make it short and sweet. The game can be about anything, really. I'm not attached to any one idea, and this game should not be seen as my project but as our project.

I will be the programmer. I actually already have a character controller in the unity asset store. It's called Flare Engine. This was made for Unity, so we will be using this game engine. It provides many game mechanics, AI, and sub systems to allow us to move fairly quickly. I will be creating the AI, which still needs to be designed, UI menus, and things of that nature. I will also add custom code whenever it's needed.

So naturally, I'm looking for a 2D artist, hopefully someone who is intermediate level and is looking to improve their skills and can provide ideas, input for all aspects of the game. All the pixel art in the trailer was actually created by me. So while I can create pixel art, I still technically don't consider myself a pixel artist, and I rather just focus on one area of the game.

If you are of the same mindset, and think this can be fun and mutually beneficial, let me know!