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A member registered Nov 08, 2021 · View creator page →

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The game already has scenes of this nature in the game!

and of course there will be more!

No you'll have access to all chapters, It's just more likely that it'll have to be built fresh each time, instead of just sticking it onto the back of the previous one.

When you buy the game on it should be bound to your account and the files are accessible to you, we update the game by  always keeping the files current!

Definitely going to be adding more Voice Acting, it just comes in slow batches aha

It's on our wishlist for the future, most likely once the game is finished in development!

Nope, Futa is the core of the game, sorry!

Just uploaded a hotfix that fixes this bug!

Having multiple versions of the game on Steam is difficult, At the moment there hasn't been enough demand for us to  invest the time in making it happen. Once the game is completed you can expect more things like this.

At this moment in time nothing has been announced or confirmed.

This is the entire first chapter of Black Contract.

Any additional chapters when released will be separate downloadables.

We will only be looking at porting to other platforms closer to the games completion :)

Not in a hurry to abandon our games, as we're currently funded by patrons to be able to make them!

We've been pretty consistently updating each month, with plans for more exciting things this year!

Cubze has said that she wants to complete her side project before returning to work with THM.

You asked this two weeks ago, and still my answer is the same. We don't have an Apple port or an Android port. We can't sell our games on the app store, so there's not much incentive to do so. As we complete each game we will look at our options for translations, and other distribution methods / platforms, but for now we're already focused on just getting content into the game.

We don't have an Apple port or an Android port. We can't sell our games on the app store, so there's not much incentive to do so. As we complete each game we will look at our options for translations, and other distribution methods / platforms, but for now we're already focused on just getting content into the game.

There is not, in the future when the game is closer to complete, it will have the ability to curate all the content you see

you download the files again, as the product should be bound to your account.

We're working on doing more to help guide the player through the game, so it will continue to improve!

It's still only the first release, so there'll be more soon! 

But this is really cool, I appreciate the translation of the game!

I've double checked it, and it seems to be working okay for me, you might have to troubleshoot for zips


I guess it depends on how thoroughly you try and visit every version of every scene. Normally I rely on Steam data to answer this question, but I think about 30minutes currently, with new content coming every month!

It currently doesn't have an android port

Internally we use Months to track version changes, and RenPy prefers using numbered builds, but you should be able to track version by month, as each upload replaces the previous one. 

There should be an update out in a few days that will hopefully fix any other issues you encounter, I know there's a background display issue for the new scenes that's already fixed in next version

Each update its best to play from a fresh save, that'll solve that error screen that you're getting in the Gloryhole section. The Witch content you can find by choosing dialogue options with the Witch's colour indicator as often as possible

According to Steam average game play time is 46 minutes

It's working on my end, so I'm not sure how to help you without images or videos. Can you post something things in the discord?

Pressing Escape, or using the Cog button on the quick menu bar will bring up the in-game menu.

We release new content every month!

The numbered version history bit is just for internal use, the month of release is how you track new content.

Not currently, but there will be in the future

The protagonist is male, but can become female through the events of the game

Usually with a key, but that means you have to ask your keyholder really nicely.

Beg even.

(I'm really not sure what you're asking, can you elaborate)

Each of the dialogue options you are presented with in the game is colour coded by the corresponding character it'll lead you towards.

Each of the characters has their own arc, but there's a few different routes through each one.  According to steam the average time played is 58 minutes. And we have new content being released each month, so it will be getting bigger over time.

Download the new package and extract it, then copy the saves folder across to the new folder :)

The average time played according to steam is 52minutes

Can you DM us on twitter with a screenshot?

As far as I can tell it's been resolved for rred_aalert

When you buy the game it should be tied to your account, and will make you able to download the updates.

If you DM your proof of purchase on Twitter (@TwoHotMilfs) I'll send you a new download code to hopefully fix it

Probably not for this game, but I do have something in mind for a future game that has things on a calendar...

Think chastity release schedule that changes based on which mistress you choose ;)