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A member registered Aug 15, 2016

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In the original, the wolves closer to the camp were weaker even if you were a high level.

I noticed all the same bugs. I'm an experienced C++ developer, and I'd be glad to help in any way as well.

(3 edits)

In classic 2.2.2, I have a problem. Armor seems to do nothing. I'm level 9 with over 400 armor, and it seems to make no difference compared to 0 armor. I take the same amount of damage, and every hit lands. What purpose does armor serve?

Also, is there any way to make it fullscreen?

Also: Where do I get a better weapon than the 2-3 damage dagger? I can't kill Feronious. I'm level 12 and even with abilities like Charge and Frost Nova I just can't kill him. Pummel doesn't stop him from howling. Nothing works!!!

This was an awesome deconstruction of RPGs. I was laughing and smiling the whole time. :)

I was on 165Hz. I capped the game to 60 FPS and it's fixed now.

Looks like it's caused by >60 FPS. I fixed it by capping it to 60.

I can't seem to make progress on Level 3. I have the item you need and try to use it on the fragile door...but nothing happens :(