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Tymedust Games

A member registered Sep 02, 2021 · View creator page →

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Glad it worked, enjoy the game! :)

Hmm, that's a good question, as far as I know that shouldn't happen. You can try restarting your browser and/or your computer (or phone), and if that doesn't work you can try downloading the game instead of running it in the browser window. :) Hope that works for you! <3

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Hey there! Thanks a lot, happy that you're having fun with the game and I hope you'll keep enjoying it. And I'm honored to hear that you feel like you could learn from it, too! Wishing you all the best in your own game development career. :) <3

Thank you!! I'm happy you had fun with the game. :) <3

D'awww, thank you Pri! <3 I really appreciate it. :) And yeah, he truly is the kind of character you either love to hate or hate to love... or sometimes both. :D

Thank you! :) <3

Thanks for your comment! <3

I agree, though I can empathize with the disappointment felt by some players when the game (at least seemingly) pushes you towards a feminine identity when they were hoping for that self-insert. I think it speaks to people enjoying the experience, otherwise they wouldn't react so strongly to it (I may be wrong but I choose to interpret it that way at least lol). :)

Happy you're enjoying the game! :D And yes that Guide route is definitely coming in the future! <3

Hi there! :) That's great to hear that you've been trying out all the games! We also feel like Poetry is the culmination of what we've learned so far as developers so to speak. <3 

A trilogy isn't impossible but at the moment we're definitely aiming for Poetry to be extensive enough to close the book on the threads that are currently out there, especially since there's still so much left to tell in this game. We'll all have to wait and see I guess? lol :D

Thank you so much for playing and for leaving a comment, we really appreciate it! <3

Thank you so much!! I'm very happy you enjoyed the game, much more to come! :D (also a huge fan of Fran Bow btw so that comparison made me really happy lol)

SORRY :) <3

Hiii!! Thank you so much for your comment, very happy that you're enjoying the game, it means the world to me! :D LOL yeah I had so much fun writing her phone interactions (and I suspect going forward she'll remain a comedy favorite in that regard lmao). Thanks for the support and stay tuned for much more to come! <3 

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As a writer I can't overstate how happy I am to hear that the twist had its intended effect LOL!! Thank you so much for sharing that with me <3

Also thank you so much for playing, I'm very glad you're enjoying the game! Much more to come :)

Of course! Thanks for playing <3

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Thanks a lot! :) Ahhh I totally understand that (sorry!!), though if The Guide managed to make you uncomfortable he kind of achieved his goal LOL (he's such a lil' bastard) <3

Hi! :D He will be romanceable in a future update, though it will still be some time until it happens and I'm not sure which update yet unfortunately. <3 But it's definitely coming! :)

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Subversive Masterpiece. The plot is extremely nuanced, and without a solid grasp of visual novel theory most of the twists will go over a typical player's head. There's also MC's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into her characterisation - her personal philosophy draws heavily from Emily Brontë literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these plot turns, to realize that they're not just entertaining- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Subversive Masterpiece truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the sincerity in Deep Fried God Remm Theo From Purgatoryverse's existential catchphrase "lol lmao," which itself is a cryptic reference to Kafka's philosophical epic Metamorphosis I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Naarel's genius unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Deep Fried God Remm Theo From Purgatoryverse tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the guys' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

11/10 if you don't like it you can go fuck yourself.

Thank you so much!! I'm happy you're enjoying the game. :) <3 Really appreciate the comment!

Aww thank you so much!! We're very happy to hear that you like the game so much. :) And thank you also for the 5 stars! <3 Don't worry, we definitely intend to finish this game no matter how long it takes. :)

Hi! Thank you for dropping by to say that, it really means a lot! :) <3 Happy you're having fun with the game (and we love ya too for playing)!!

Hi! It is indeed called UI and thank you very much! :D Awesome to hear that the game has managed to hook you (sorry about a certain someone hehe)!! Much more to come soon and I'm happy you're along for the ride! <3

Life is, indeed, quite cool.

Glad you’re still around. <3

That's a secret... for now. Heh heh~ :D

LOL <3 Well you're not alone in wanting that, and I can't wait to start working on it!! If I were to guess it will probably make it in for version 0.4 (so not the next one but the next after that), so hopefully sometime late this year. :)

HI! :D So happy to hear that you're enjoying our games! And OH NO LOL don't feel ashamed, it's great to hear that you followed Guide's trail all the way here!! <3

Much more cool stuff coming in the future for sure! :)

That’s great to hear! :) Thank you for playing and hope you’ll continue to have fun with it!

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Hello! Protag is female.

I've clarified that in the game info now. :) Thanks <3

Aww, thanks! :D Glad you returned to continue playing and that you enjoyed the new phone feature! That means a lot!! <3

All I can say is that it's definitely related to them being Deities (i.e. rulers of Heaven or Purgatory). The rest of it will be revealed in the future, hehe... :D <3


Lil' Smiles would LOVE that!! :D <3

Hi! The font is called Belladona. :)

LMAO well put tbh <3 <3 <3

Thank you so much for the generous rating! :) Very happy that you enjoyed the game! <3

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Oh man! Reading comments like these really makes all the hard work worth it! I'm very happy to hear that you're enjoying the game so much! :) And you've joined at a great time because a huge update is just around the corner! <3

(Also, feel free to join our Discord if you want to hang out with other big fans of the games!) :)

More is coming *very* soon! :D 

Hi! :D You get ending 1-3 automatically by completing the story and ending 4/5 depends on your final choice. Hope this helps! <3


Hi there! :D I'm happy that you enjoyed the game! <3 And LOL that's a funny coincidence, hope it didn't spook you too much! XD 

LMAO he’s out of control!